Fear of the Revolution
Blog 29/9/10
Lincoln First Inaugural
“This country, with its institutions, belong to the people who inhabit it. Whenever they grow weary of the existing government, they can exercise their constitutional right of amending it, or their revolutionary right to dismember or overthrow it”
And as President Lincoln wisely related we have grown weary of all facets of government from congress to the judges to the EPA to the infernal IRS, amending this debacle is, as history has proven, an exercise futility leaving the people no recourse but to overthrow it. One would think this administration is the first step into the New World Order governed by the U.N. their focal point in space and time, their moment at long last arrived, Cesar is on his thrown, and they think there in full control now. But they had better think again.
So then may I ask, why is everyone in this country petrified about using the word revolution President Lincoln was not, revolution is not the “N or F” word. In fact, if fearless Americans, think it through logically, a revolution is now the only way to correct this massively corrupt government, which has each day estranged us, from our freedom. And, to make matters worse, up until now we have done to little or nothing to stop the onslaught as it ushers in, with covert Gestapo tactics a socialist oligarchy.
Headed by the tyrants, Pelosi, Read, and Bernie Frank just to name a few, who have infect the body politic with crony politics, lies and deception, they have infested every facet of government with the cancer arrogance, now for the first time the people can see clearly how corruption in Washington DC is running ramped. However, to engage, and more importantly WIN a strategic battle with the maze of governmental agencies is, a desperate act resulting in nothing, think about it. Therefore, a rational person must conclude, any passive action now, is too little too late, let me explain my argument.
Hear me out, a threat to dismember the government or to overthrow it will results a massive reaction, which is the weapon required for effective political and policy change. Castigating bureaucrats, with the threat of revolution is not an obscene action, with one exception that is, to those who hold political power, because they stand to be decimated by the revolution, ousted from power and if I had my way, prosecuted for the corruption and violating constitutional right granted to its citizens. Furthermore one must consider this, could a revolution looms on the horizon which, by the way, it does. Then, just the mere threat of an all out revolution by the people will, I grantee, send shiver up the spines of all elected bureaucrats in Washington DC. The time has come to take off the kid gloves, let us begin to threaten a revolution and usurp, with threat of force, the power necessary to totally change the government and its organizations. Or the other choice is, quite frankly, concede to defeat, this is a battle depends upon, a natures law – the survival of the fittest.
We the people have, for too long, live our lives in fear of the government’s rules and regulations, waiting in the silence of surrender. Government grows stronger as states are losing their constitutional rights to defend themselves, their families and property against invading drug cartels on our southern borders, this condition prevails while the government does nothing, and this is nonsensical. Therefore, let us turn the table around, go on the offence, and threaten them with a people’s revolution. Imagine what the reaction will be, Fear! Fear of US! Observe how those with power vehemently reacted to the passive tea party rallies, so then think about this, tea party rallies pose no real threat to the entrenched political establishment. And the Obama regimes rhetorical reaction was A; typical and B; predictable, but imagine what the reaction would be to the threat of an all out, no hold bared revolution. The answer is -FEAR complete and utter FEAR! If we the people want the power back, I mean real want the power back then; by God, we need to take it back in the same way the anti American Cultural Revolution took it from us, by force! And powerful manipulators in government know it, and fear it!
Think about it, for argument sake; say the people, in sufficient numbers, devise a plan demanding the forceful removal of those governmental officials that do not uphold the constitution. Americans further make nonnegotiable demands as stated hereinafter. While smirking a smile of gotcha, one could only imagine the reaction from the liberal media, corrupt legislators and policy driven liberal judges. I am sure, interesting development will occur; advocates of a revolution would be deluged in an avalanche of hate. Do to the fact this is physiological warfare which, the enemy does not understand its philosophy, thanking the enemies political agenda by surprise. Hear me out don’t rule me out; our country depends upon it, if it is to survive. This spineless liberal establishment will not know how to deal with, what to do with, or even how to squelch a revolution of free people. Knowing full well, force will be met with force, thus igniting the fuse to the dynamite that would inevitably blow up in their face; thus rendering the use of force impudent. Incarceration of the masses is logistically impossible, so what are the options open to the status quo establishment? Few, very, very, few, so by utilizing fear of reprisal we put them on the defensive, we are then in position to grab their power and that my friends scares the shit out of them. Remember this fear, is our greatest ally!
Know this, revolutions implications are, more than anything, a physiological ploy, a game of chests, if you will, where, intellect, cunning, and strategy are interwoven to achieve a checkmate and ultimately win the game. Physiologically the word revolution dumbfounds the politically correct, so called tolerant liberal mindset. This occurs because, the thought of a people’s revolution is outside of their experience. In general, people fears what is outside of their experience, governmental tyrants controlling enormous power, fear it even more, for they have the most to lose. Having said that, the word revolution should be the patriot’s preferred weapon of chose, that is if we desire victory over our enemy. Now, do not get me wrong, I understand full well to begin a peoples revolution will take an extraordinary amount of organizing and planning before it is strong enough for positive action.
However, while the revolution is in the planning stages the patriots will be sending a message to the oligarchy in power, that, “We are coming after you,” all of you corrupt serpents in power, congressman, senators, and yes, even you black robed perverts of the our laws and constitution. And mark my words; the physiological threat of a revolution is as mentally devastating to the aforementioned cohorts as is the action itself. Thus putting us on the offensive where all Americans can demand swift and abrupt action from government or else! And that my friend is the language this administration and the establishment clearly understands, not political correctness, but the words –or else! Once on the offensive we can make demand, achieve results and forcing the government, by holding the revolution gun to their heads, government will have no choice, it will either cower in fear of the people revolution, or else!
To start government -this is a mere sample of our demands!
1. We demand! The borders be secured by our active duty military which shall immediately be deployed in sufficient numbers to secure our southern border, now! We further demand the rules of engagement pursuant to these forces, specifically condone the use of lethal force against anyone attempting to invade this country! Under our constitution rights, we demand immediate action to secure the blessings of liberty to this sovereignty republic.
2. We demand! All criminals involved in any infraction of the laws of the nation be deported without due process. Illegal invaders have knowingly committed a crime against our laws, and illegal’s have no right as American citizens in the first place. Furthermore, we demand they be removed from our incarceration facilities, and returned to the country! NOW! And -That is the power the threat of a revolution holds, the power to create action.
A revolution is the people’s right to fight the oppression of liberty inflicted by any government adamant about maintaining the status quo of corruption, frozen in redundancy, unable or unwilling to move from its dormant position, thus producing an untenable condition which, is eroding the freedom of the people. Producing therefore, an overwhelming reaction against this travesty and a burning desire for liberation will inevitably result. American civil society cannot and will not exist under authoritarian oppression of an oligarchy an armed conflict is unavoidable, revolution a declaration. This being self evident, when the arrogance of these government legislators, the President and courts of justice are raised to a level where these governing bodies, acting in unison, refuses to strictly adhere to the constitution, they swore with an oath to protect and defend, while extending their middle finger up at the demands of the people’s majority, then the only recourse is revolution.
There will undoubtedly be those liberal minded, weak hearted citizens stuck in the mud of the status quo, fearful of change and the chaos upheaval beings, who will argue revolution is not the way, to them I say this.
If a revolution is not the way what then is?
To those I say, one must consider President Lincoln suggesting that a revolution is a means of ultimate change. Remember, too, he recognized the fact overthrowing the governing status quo, is the only way for the populous to insight total governmental change, he said, in other words, whenever it becomes necessary for the people to, by force, take away the control over the governing system from politicians it is our right to do so and that time is now. Then rebuild the system of government, with people, not politicians, chosen from the people to legislate for the will of the people, to benefit just the people, thus banish corruption from within.
Once again Lincoln First Inaugural
“This country, with its institutions, belong to the people who inhabit it. Whenever they grow weary of the existing government, they can exercise their constitutional right of amending it, or their revolutionary right to dismember or overthrow it”
I have no fear or this government, I earnestly volunteer to lead and organization in preparation for the people’s revolution, the complete and utter over through of governmental.
“Give me liberty, or give me DEATH!”
Signed -The Guardian,
Strength and honor
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