Cap and Trade mine Fuhrer! Voss Este Dos?
Blog 7/10/10
My mom, God rest her soul, loved to speak to me in German as if I understood, then after staring at me with a crinkled stern face she would break into a smile that could melt ice, while explaining the German phrase in English, which, I must admit, left a lasting impression on my personality. However I freely proclaimed my German phraseology probably is somewhat goofy, and humorous the way Mom taught it, kinda like one would find in the Mad Magazine of old. The German was meant to be funny but the argument in the essay -is not!
Ask me no questions, and I’ll tell you no lies
The German phrase Voss Este Dos, means What is this? And naturally we all know to whom the question is being asked, the dictator leader mentality. To explain my position related the erroneous belief in, cap and trade, which is a geopolitical paradox at best, derived from yet another fallacy, the belief in global warming a phantasmagoria of illusion, deception and outright lies. So, the moment I hear clap trap like this I know, liberalism is afoot brandishing its naïveté and irrepressible desire it incubus unrealistic dreams of a world utopia somewhere out there in la la land. One can agree that Godless progressive agnostics, by their own admission believe in nothing. Which of course is ludicrous, because if one therefore believes there is No God oddly enough the person believes in something, the something is nothing! But a nevertheless a belief in something, which is a laughable conundrum where the agnostic or one who believes in nothing, is then trapped in a religious quagmire, because liberals agnostics are admitting they could then, they could believe in anything, even the childish notion of global warming. This dizzying dissertation contains one unshakeable fact, to believe in anything, is one thing, to believe in truth totally is another.
Liberal’s do have a religion consisting in the belief of nothing, so they are whom they believe in, which is themselves, therefore their belief is liberalism. Narcissistic as it may seem one must further conclude liberal’s worshiping their state or government as the ultimate creation of the self, rather than God the creator. Wherein, manmade government is their god. Okay then, this explains how the liberal mind support of the global warming theory, as it is based upon unsubstantiated facts, in fact there are no facts, just inferred conjecture from idiot’s inferring carbon admissions is now, and will hereafter, destroy plaint earth for this reason or that reason, bla, bla bla. Now, do liberals think logical conservatives are going to acquiesce to this ridicules theory? I say this, listen liberal geniuses, there are a multitude of American’s who believe our God the creator. And that God created the heavens and the earth, and therefore thought out creation to its minutest details, from creating Mother Nature to be the epitome of his creation, so that her nature would care for and protect mankind from himself. Only the arrogant agnostic could believe Mother Nature, a creation of the all mighty God, needs mans theory of global warming carbon ambitions protection; liberalism once again, has the theory, ass backwards. And they know it, there is a plan afoot, continue on.
Where do liberal environmental activists turn who are advocating illogical stupidity in support of their global warming theory? The answer is quite simple, yet I am, to the best of my knowledge, the first to use this illustration. Liberalism must turn to the myth, in that myths, posses the unique power of diversion from the truth, also the myth requires virtually no substantiation, look at it this way, myths is pure conjecture comprised of two parts, one being part lie and the other part extremely exaggerated truth, anyway, who could refute its validity since it is a myth? Myths could best be compared to a ghost; this hyperbole of the global warming is the ghost liberalism need. It has become a totally incorporeal figment of liberalism’s imagination. And whatever your opinion is, try as you may, one cannot prove the myth is a lie, or for that matter the truth. And this, my friends is exactly where liberalism wants us. Trapped in a ghost story of fiction they claim is reality.
The Smoking Gun and Coveted Ammo
At this point of the essay, if you’re asking, how do liberal extremists expect to get there way with such a ludicrous idea? I’ll say this, liberalism is the smoking gun of control is pointed squarely at the head of liberty, whom they seek to destroy; fortunately for us, these environmentalists extremists need the ammunition to execute their plan and our God simultaneously, but that will require a few rounds of ammo, ammo which only will be available if, they can manage to turn a lie into the truth. Stay with me now and read on as I present my argument. The ammunition required is the Myth; to achieve mythological martyrdom frankly requires persistence, ad nauseam lying, castigation of the opposition at the hands of skilled liberal anarchists and finally the demur of the environmental protection agency, all of whom have been sneaking up on America for ages, only now the ghost has arrived. So welcome to this ghost story.
Scary Ghost Storys
Let’s press on with the discussion; radicals environmental activists have managed to thrust the global warming movements into action by interjecting environmental scare tactic and shove them down our throat. We have heard them all before from non other then alleged environmental experts, with Dubos, at best theory, wherein scary ghost stories are conjured up which require immediate action from warning us, they demand; America’s mountains will fall into the sea, the seas will rise drowning vast swaths of valuable land and, we all must act now to stop this warming. And thus, the Ghost appears through the repetition of a lie, repeated not just once or twice, no…. we have been deluged by propaganda and disinformation about the effects of global warming quite literally, for years. Chicken little’s, “the sky is falling, the sky is falling” or the boy who cried wolf, have nothing on the vindictive lies citizens have endured about this Ghost, until the people grow so tired of hearing the same repetitive lie over and over and over again, we concede, while knowing full well the lie it is not true, but liberalism does not stop pushing the lie, they quite frankly, they wear us out.
Like a child repetitiously demanding attention, until, logical conservatives simply, give up, therein is the crux of the problem. Why? Because they won! Most would say, won what? It’s only a childish lie, we know that, so let liberalism think what they want. But, watch what happen, read on. Logical minds tend to ignore childlike stupidity, saying -Let them have their global warming hot milk in their environmental baby bottle -we can just tuck them in for the night, pat them on their ass, and they will go quietly to sleep –anyway, I have a head ache listening to them whine over this global warming lie, so say it’s okay and shut them up please!
Conceding to a stupid lie by ignoring it, no matter how insignificant it may seem, will inadvertently, confirm the lie is acceptable through silent surrender, once accepted the lie becomes the liar’s truth, whereby he –the liar proclaims the lie, was never a lie at all, instead, it actually was the truth, now having converted the lie into the truths the liar will move for a myths by adding to the mythological brewing pot gallons of disinformation, guilt and confusion, until one day the people wake up and say –what is global warming about? So we find by not contesting the lie of global warming from its insertion, we have handed them the bullet for the gun liberalism patiently has been waited for.
Patients is not a virtue –patients is everything!
This is how liberalism works their magic, convincing the populous of global warming was only the first step perpetrating this theory. The next step was liberal environmentalists backing the theory needed to push the movement forward hard and fast or suffer exposure. This trick became the task of the Environmental Protection Agency utilizing their unchallenged authority under the law, assuring Americans that government, in its infinite wisdom, is capable of resolving this alleged issue. In summary, first brow beat us with the lie of global warming until we concede a lie is acceptable as truth. Next, use the environmentalist extremists for the second lie, demanding, once again, humanity is the problem and the EPA will therefore strictly regulate admissions to squelch the global warming ghost. And thus, by fighting one step at a time they got their way. Through constant and persistence demands, liberalism has realized the way to castigate the populous, is by exacerbate people which weaken their resolve. This is where we vehemently air as conservatives; acquiescing to their demands, hoping appeasement will satisfy the insatiable desire of environmentalist activists, thereby stopping the onslaught of obvious disinformation. In fact appeasement is to environmental activists, fuel for the fire radical liberalism will use for more and more demands. Alas, until the people, one day soon, find they needing an authorization slip from the EPA to turn on a light, flush a toilet or start your car. Any use of all energy without permission, soon shall be punishable under the law. Sound crazy, keep this essay as a memento of a crazy man.
The reasons and purpose for cap and trade?
A daunting question here still remains and that is, why? Why so much ado, over the global warming, Why all the environmentalist activist hysteria? But the answer doesn’t formulates in my mind until I think deviously, like The Fuhrer – Obama’s and his Gestapo chief of staff Rahm (the dead fish) Emanuel and ask myself the right question. I know liberals are up to something, with this global warming debacle, this is the introduction to something much more sophisticated and complex, however the question one must ask is what? What are liberal environmentalist’s extremists up to? So think about the question, I will express my argument and position on the topic in the next blog called;
Cap and trade -is – Crap for a Slaves in which I feel the urgency to expose the plethora of consequences hidden within this rapidly growing environmental movement, the voodoo doll of global warming hyperbole and the ammo required for the liberal gun that will murder lady liberty.
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