The Tucson Arizona Massacre – the Brink of Disaster

The Tucson Arizona Massacre

Blog 26 – 9/10/11


The Brink of Disaster


Unbeknownst to most citizens this nation now teeters on the brink of disaster caused by one crazed gunman who, witnesses say, just appeared amongst the assembling crowd of spectators seemingly from nowhere, thoughtfully and knowingly pulled out his hand gun and indiscriminately commenced  firing at the crowd killing six and wounding many more. His action, in one irrational moment of pure evil, stunned the emotions of this nation. And as a result, the backlash which will invariable follow there from, emphatically will, result in repercussions that may ignite the powder keg of politically explosive emotions which are afoot not only in Arizona but throughout the country. On this day, the tragic and senseless slayings of innocent people in the, soon to be known as, The Tucson Arizona Massacre, this shooting case has caused much more damage to this already frail and vulnerable  republic then one could imagine, let me explain.

But before I do, I would like to take a moment to extend my profound and heartfelt sorrow, condolences and my prayers to all of the people involved in this event. And, may I say with the utmost respect, God will ease your pain which we all share. Yet, amidst the sorrow and grief of those whom are morning their loss deceptive manipulators already have begun their attack, with blatant disregard of the grief these innocent people now are enduring. The heartless, Godless political left wing extremists which I have referred to as the Saul Alinsky anti American movement are, as we see quite alive and well, rearing its ugly head once again as they seize their opportunity to, at any cost mind you, trigger negative emotions for a long sought after plan.

Alinsky trained them in his ideology where… “The end justifies the means”…. Winning is the only thing that matters and armed with this philosophy they have sought after very specific political repercussions from this tragic event however macabre their strategy may seem. These national socialists who espouse hope and change will, at long last, finally culminate (in their thinking) into a reaction of epic proportions and thus causing a constitutional melt down. Once again, I reiterate, this tragedy is the opportunity extremist’s use as their mantra to further aggravate an emotional outcry against violence, ironically, in doing so they become advocates of violence themselves. However, Alinskiets know no shame; remember to this breed …..the end justifies the means. So, with god like blessings from the patronizing media this anti American regime move forward tugging at the heart strings of humanity fanning flames of national hysteria. They are undoubtedly pressing for a civic repercussions against guns and gun advocates and freedom of speech pointing their useless finger of blame squarely at innocent icons of conservative thinkers they fear the most, namely SarahPalin and, Rush Limbaugh accusing them and many more of provoking persons to commit violent acts by their rebellious anti governmental speech. And if you are listening carefully, concluding their vindictive dogma with their true hidden agenda and that is of course….our constitutional rights which the existentialist elitists seeks to eradicate from our governing charter….. Forever!

While congress woman Gabrielle Giffords an advocate of the second amendment rights and a gun owner herself lies critically wounded in a hospital from a gunshot wound to the head, the Alinskiets went to work accusing conservatives of the atrocity rather than the shooter himself and within hours somehow Bloggers? AM conservative talk show hosts? and the Tea Party movement was to blame, talk about personal responsibility. On the way home from work I listened, in utter amazement as a Arizona’s Sheriff what’s his name, inferred in a news briefing this shooting happened because of the distain and animosity felt towards the government by the aforementioned, I think he was talking about you – and – me ? Though I could be wrong…. anyway. If it were humanly possible to release steam from ones ears I might have appeared as a locomotive, anger towards his draconian explanation would be a grotesque understatement. So let me express this tid bit of advice, reckless and potentially dangerous statements such as this should be personally stifled as they may trigger even more emotional violence that could easily erupt on either political side, once enacted could quickly spiral out of control. And by the way, it is not the job of a law enforcement officers to neither speculate nor render his opinion as to the motivations pertaining to the physiological or emotional state of a suspect, a departmental apology and retraction of the sheriffs statement is in order. And be thankful, if it were up to me he, this condescending political potentate who ostensibly represents the law, would be seeking employment elsewhere. In other words I would, “kick his ass out.”

Unfortunately, this tragic shooting shall be subjugated by anti speech, anti gun, anti constitution, politically correct speech police whom, at the same time, support net neutrality known as the censorship of the internet and freedom of speech to boot. Their typical rhetoric has already emerged all over the news for days on end. Their anti constitutionalists tactics are; first, to stop the forward motion of the growing nationwide constitutional movement claiming that standing up for our rights will exacerbate persons with physiological conditions, therefore we must stop using our right to free speech, which is their way of saying all of you constitutionalists sit down and

shut up…be silent. I say, F–k you, not this time, this is war and like my President said and I quote, “If they bring a knife, I will bring a gun.” Of course we know appeasement of their demand is NOT an option, the Saul Alinsky trained anti American movement army is, for all intensive purposes, as the saying goes, going for the preverbal throat, a constitutional kill, so to speak…starting with our first amendment rights and then the second amendments rights ostensible rendering this nation speechless and worse unarmed! Hence producing a quagmire in which there is virtually no way out.

Yet somehow this time, I feel and in fact predict we, the American people are not going to take any more rhetorical liberal indignations which we know are designed to silence us, lying down. No, not this time knowing that this nation is losing its sovereignty to, of all things, haters of the America way of life who, in my mind are literally traders in our midst. And I feel in this case the repercussion or backlash as I call it on my talk radio show has ignited a blood feud against this pernicious anti American movement, the golden chalice of liberalism. But curiously enough, these loud mouth idiots have brought the fury to come upon themselves with their relentless accusations and searing hatred for our God given liberties. Anti Americans aka Alinskites are about to, for the second time since the congressional election severally gets their ass kicked. The Arizona atrocity has aroused national passion with an incomprehensible enthusiasm and steadfast fervor I had assumed was long forgotten. And I feel we the American people are going to go after their balls. And the balls of which I speak are now in our court called victory, (thought I meant something else, well, them too.)

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