Governments Worst Nightmare
Know Your Rights, use it OR lose it!
To those who have ears to hear, I submit to you this; American citizens do not know the awesome power related to the people that are contained within our Second Amendment right, nor the intention of our founders that are associated to this so called right. But, what is even more germane, nor do we understand it. And, I submit to you the reader, we must. Then, use your right or, mark my words, you will lose it! Hence, my rendition of the intention of the our Second Amendment rights.
It has become blatantly clear to me that the interpretation of the Second Amendment right has been incorrectly related for decades. In that its true meaning has been purposely misaligned by authoritarian rulers who, for their own self centered security choose to skew the true meaning or intention for FEAR of the people. Then, due to the fact that Americans have indifferently taken the true meaning out of context for so long, it then no longer communicates the powerful intention of the framers. In so doing we, as a civil society have let yet another blessing of liberty slip, like dry sand through our fingers, primarily because over time humans grow weary securing liberty. The human condition grows weak holding on to blessing and then subsequently makes the mistake of taking it for granted, whereby, like smoke, the meaning dissipates. Let me show you how and where the fault lies, not to wax poetic but, the fault lies not within the stars, but within ourselves, as Shakespeare so rightly proclaimed.
Americans, including me who have not read the entire Second Amendment have been told, the Second Amendment of the Constitution grants citizens “the right to keep and bear arms.” However after actually reading the amendment I realized it said much more and then asked myself, so what the hell does that saying mean? The answer is, quite frankly NOTHING! In fact, the cute little saying is precisely that, an endearing statement signifying nothing of substance. This, by the way, happens to be the method in which most indifferent American citizens recite it. In doing so we become just like inane drones, clueless to its power possessed within the true meaning and more precisely its intention for which it was written. And, it just so happens to be what the governments past and present would have citizens believe, because, as we shall see, after some scrutiny, the Second Amendment is our government’s or for that matter any Governments Worst Nightmare.
Having said that, from this point on this thesis will require the reader to pay strict attention to the intention of the second amendment. Let me reiterate, kindly pay strict attention to the intention as the intention is of utter importance. Because, the message being conveyed is, for the most part, somewhat elusive, in that the words which were written by the framers are transient mainly due to the vernacular of the days long past and therefore they have, and will, simply circumvent modern human understanding. Also, as I said before it is due to the misinformation we have received. So be warned, if you fail to comprehend the true intention or meaning of this God given Second Amendment right it then will sadly be lost forever. Our forefathers understood the necessity to defend this fragile republic and it depends upon like minded patriots to fully comprehend the intention. Forgive me for belaboring the point but it is worth it, as I hope you will soon see.
But first off, cleanse your mind of the notion that the Second Amendment grants us “the right to keep and bear arms,” which it does… but … at the same time it is a erroneous belief, in that, it is an infinitesimal part of a greater whole where the missing de facto components of this Constitutional right are purposely evaded, wherein one must ask the question but…. Why? The answer of which will become self evident as you read on.
Secondly, I implore you, put on your thinking caps, the word why is crucial to intellectual cognizance in this case, e.g. why was the Second Amendment or Improvement was added to the Constitution in the first place?
And thirdly for clarity, I have compiled a list of word definitions which are pertinent to comprehending the Amendment. So kindly stay with me now, if I sound redundant it is because repetition sticks in the human mind, in fact it is how liberal lies manage to come to fruition, in that, their ad nauseam mantra never ends. All we hear is “Global warming this, global warming” that and before we know it other idiots that can easily be deceived are reiterating the same nonsense, much like in the chicken little fable, “the sky is falling, the sky is falling.” How an adult manages to lower their integrity and spew childish gobbledygook baffles my mind, but I digress, in utter disgust.
I have taken the liberty to signify the difference in the actual Amendment and my rendition is thus; quotation marked sentences indicates the actual amendment so kindly pay close attention to which are which, highlighted sentences shall begin with… Or, in other words … they are therefore, my attempt to clarify the interpretation using dictionary definitions. Also, highlighted and underlined words such as Regulated will contain a list of dictionary definition; they are words that will require thought as to their intention or meaning.
Remember, questions inspires thought that may, in most cases, lead to a rational logical conclusion invariably resulting in a clearer understanding or even a epiphany, of which liberalism know little or nothing (had to get that shot in) because if liberals applied the word why to their thoughts the fools may actually be able to rationally figure something out, like, why a Zipper is in on their trousers and armed with that knowledge, removing them need not be so difficult, never the less, leave us continue.
Indeed it is my argument, and may I say it may be an especially hard pill to swallow, only because of all the years Americans have been mislead, bamboozled and impeded by feeble platitudes e.g. the right to keep and bear arms from, lo and behold, our own governmental spokes holes who, dare not give further details about the truth. Yes liberals AND conservatives, republicans AND democrats alike have repress the true intention of the Second Amendment right for decades. The daunting question as previously stated…is why? Let us see the de facto evidence of what the intention of the framers was and, by the way, indeed still is.
*The Second Amendment
Or in other words – The Second Improvement
“A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state,”
Kindly ask yourself …from whom is the state or territory to be free from… answer …the interference of government or King as in their case!
Or, in other words- have ready a well controlled military type force of armed civilians like you and me which is needed for the safely and to hold in place the ability to do what one wants in a territory, without the interference of the government.
“the right of the people to keep and bear arms,”
The question here is for what? The answer is, once again, to defend citizens of the state from interference by the Federal Government!
Or, in other words – the legal entitlement of state citizens to store in a regular place and or carry on their person any type of fire arms necessary to insure their freedom.
“shall not be infringed.”
Or, in other words – will not now or in the future be limited or restricted in any way.
Word definitions
1. Regulated = to control or for controlling something.
2. Militia = a military force made up of ARMED CIVILIANS, in other words ….you and me!
3. Necessary = is needed. Again ask yourself ….Why are armed civilians are necessary to the security of a free state?
4. Security = safety or from the root word secure, to fix or fasten or hold in place as not to give way.
5. Free, = the ability to do what one wants. So ask yourself free from what? From whom is it necessary to be free from?
6. State = a territory considered as an organization.
7. Right = a legally entitlement.
8. Keep = to store in a regular place.
9. Bear = to carry.
10 Arms = guns or weapons.
11. Infringed = limited or restricted in any way.
This is the second amendments true intention;
Have ready a well controlled force of armed civilians which is needed for the safety and to hold in place the ability of the people to do what they want in their territory, without the interference of the government.
Therefore, all citizens of the states are entitled with the right under the Constitution to store guns in a regular place and or to carry a gun on their person, at any time, the type of gun which is necessary to defend themselves from interference by the Federal Government.
And this right will not now nor in the future be limited or restricted in any way.
If, for some reason my seemingly estranged translation of the Second Amendment right sounds odd, well for all intensive purposes it should, the dirty little secret is, no one in government wishes to speak of this basic right. This is because, citizen rights take away power from government and, much to their chagrin turns the power over to its rightful owner …the governed. An armed civilian force of controlled civilians, made up of citizens, may I add, is the greatest protection possible from meddling big brother government and its redundant bureaucratic tyranny, for ourselves here and now, and our future generations.
Notwithstanding the Second Amendment right remains the guardian of our God given liberty and freedom that we, as American citizens are endowed with. And, the right symontainosly is a standing threat to any prospective oligarchy which, as history teaches, has often arisen from a military weak, overly regulated, tax laden civil society like this nation has now become. And personally, what I find even more freighting is, an unarmed civil society which is unable, and in most cases unwilling to defend itself is easy prey for the evils of this world.
For further proof listen closely to the words written in the Declaration of Independence
The Declaration of Independence,
I quote;
“That to secure these rights, (life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness) governments are instituted among men, deriving their just power from the consent of the governed, that whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it and to institute new government.” This my friends is “Governments Worst Nightmare.” It is what government fears the most, a revolution, as Egypt is experiencing.
Unlike Egypt the patriots of the United States are armed, and though we like minded citizens have not yet formed a civilian force we are ready, silent but waiting. The armed patriots of the United States can and will stand, shoulder to shoulder against governmental tyranny and also will fight to defend our God given Constitutional rights.
Remember, unarmed citizens will fall as slaves to armed authoritarian rule. Choose this day, which shall it be, tyranny at the behest of the government or freedom which may cost lives? Then be a true American patriot and if you do not own a gun implement your Constitutional right …Buy one brother….while you still can. We have a republic to defend; it has been said “To Arms, To Arms.” Then, be ready to serve as like minded citizens of the States United under God, for time grows short as the day of evil draws near!