Don’t Be Afraid Of The Darkness
The shadow world of Plato’s cave
Plato the Greek philosopher formulated a rather brilliant, and interesting observation, in which he identified the difference between a false image and true reality which contemporary man seems to have lost sight of. And therefore it is worthy of discussion. In Plato’s observation he selected shadows on the wall of a cave which were projected by a fire of puppets one foot high standing nearby, clearly indicating the difference between what we see as shadows are in fact, only an illusion and not reality, which is simple enough to comprehend.
These shadows on the wall were nothing but an imitation of real things standing in front of the fire where, in the brightness of day, the shadows shown in the dark confines of the cave do not exist; there nature is merely an exaggeration. Plato’s observation further disproves the old adage of “to see is to believe” for in this instance, seeing the shadow is nothing but a false understanding of true reality which is only a foot high puppet, call it a deception, of perception if you will. As Plato delved deeper into the observation the plot thickened, he further imagined that if people were used instead of puppets and placed in front of the fire, and if they were held bound in chains in such a way which prevented them from moving their heads or bodies making movement impossible, the fire behind them would cast an enormous shadow upon the curved cave walls, by restraining the prisoner’s movement the images of the shadows could be manipulated to shape their perception. This would naturally lead to a phenomenon where the images cast on the cave wall would then become truth in the eye of the beholder. Truth to them would literally be nothing but shadows of images, and once released from bondage, in the light of day the shadows vanish, the prisoners soon would realize their belief was in a shadow, a mere deception, not reality. Images thought to be reality to a captive audience serve to mislead and manipulate a person’s perception of objects and events.
Today these objects and events are, by design of governmental agencies, implemented as weapons of propaganda and disinformation, whose sole purpose is to deny and at the same time deceive, thus constraining the growth of American power and influence worldwide. Cap and trade is such an object of deception arising from another environmentally contrived event. The naïve notion of global climate change requires administration action, this action inevitable resulting in more rules, regulations and laws along with them a conglomeration of governmental governing agencies. “Big” government grows bigger, and bigger, so big it then has empowered itself to enforce the law, which is false deception, as if it were the true reality.
America has become the prisoners in Plato’s cave, whereby we are restrained, bound hand and foot so movement is impossible, we cannot turn around to see misleading information which is manipulating the masses into believing global warming is reality when, the truth is, it is a mere shadow projected on the minds of fearful people.
People who, may even have good intentions in mind or are simply submissive or are unaware of the repercussions which will arise as a direct result of their incoherence. The governments information pertaining to global warming is nothing more then crap told to slaves. The misleading truth is “Big” government strategy is to use the law and due process, then use the masses as slaves, taxing the masses into poverty, controlling their healthcare by rationing out government run medical care, to whom the powerful will deem worthy or not and, forcing the ineffectual notion of green energy on the American people. Going green, in other words means going broke, it will further enslave the masses by denying the production of proven effective energy. Energy that is available in abundance within this country, this has and will continue to weakens our geopolitical strength which has a direct result in that it weakens our national security resulting in an increase in terrorism.
In essence cap and trade is, as previously mentioned become the personification of this administrations class warfare action, because now that legislators passed this bill the President has gained unprecedented powers, powers that give him absolute and complete control over the entire populous. And, in their schizophrenic minds this is somehow idealistic. So, at this time rather than discussing the paradoxical requirement in this so called cap and trade fiasco which, as we all know will be impose upon all businesses. Businesses large and small shall be made subservient to its laws by the use of severe penalties that the administration has not yet disclosed. Having said that, discussing cap and trade rules and regulations basically is an exercise in naiveté from whom it was instituted, namely President Obama. Instead lets approaches the subject matter from another angle, a logical and concise approach would be to confer our vulnerability in respect to the cap and trade plan and how it is steeped in misleading deception, all based on the notion of global warming.
Once again, bear in mind, the sole purpose of this event is not a noble cause to save the planet but to deny and constrain the growth of America. We must first understand that the EPA will deny and constrain American growth which has been sequestered by the environmental activist who, through their protesting have proven that reliable, cost effective energy, such as oil and nuclear power are the contributors of global warming. These activists are organized and sophisticated in their assault on energy they knowingly unleashed a battery of legal tyrant’s whose squarely aiming their sights at the target which is America’s economic growth. These tyrants are the “Big” government’s pitbull known as the Environmental Protection Agency or EPA who posses unchallengeable power.
The EPA has declared everything from evil industry, to greedy business to automobiles to cow flagellants to the air human’s exhale to be in some obscure way, culpable in the cause of global warming. And furthermore, in order for the mighty EPA to squelch this ghostly shadow, of its own creation, the nation must first be dissuaded from the consumption of fossil fuels. And, at the same time the nation will be forced into a nightmarish dream world of going Green. This foolish notion of going green is not only dangerous, and extremely naïve, it can and will, as previously stated serve to deny and slow American growth worldwide.
History provides us with proof that “Big” government has an unquenchable lust for power, but, one could argue government is comprise of people, the difference is, these are the people with the power, and it has been said, absolute power corrupts absolutely, and for this government is quite true. Just one more thing, for the people with the power to retain the power, said people with the power must protect their almighty positions in power, knowing full well, power is ephemeral as smoke, one moment it’s here and poof, the next it is not, as simple as that. So then it follows, retaining power invites extreme action, ruthless action, and ruthlessness proceeding name is control, or ruthless control.
However paradoxically in politics the execution of control requires a patient persevering stream of misleading deception where ruthless control moves silently from minuscule victory to minuscule victory, until, at long last, quite like a spiders web ruthless control suffocates it’s unexpected victim, who by then, are bound up in its rules and regulations.
But once again, to retain absolute power suppression of the people is imperative. Then ruthless control must be applied upon the masses which requires laws. These laws are then the evil web ruthless controllers use to suppress its masses, their justification is the environmentalists are protecting the world against global warming which leads us back to cap and trade mentioned earlier. On the one hand we have global warming and on the other cap and trade. Global warming needs cap and trade to exist and not the other way around.
Under the iron fisted protection of the law environmental extremists will punish the masses for the use of all forms of energy from home heating fuel, to light bulbs, to driving your cars and demand the masses instead go green and use only efficient forms of energy such as mass transit. All this mind you to ostensibly save energy and, unequivocally this notion may to some seem as though it is a good intended idea..-or not?
Here is why not, give government an inch and it will take a foot. Once in possession of the foot it will demand a mile, and it never ends until government is stopped. Environmental extremists ardent demands never end soon after winning one small argument and achieving one victory, mark my words, that in the name of environmental safety, once again they will demand everyone must use mass transit.
We all will be subject to the laws they have decreed or be punished, let’s say a ticket at first, then a fine of some sort until one day ordinary people wake up incarcerated, for what? No one will know. Soon a violator of the law who does not turn down their heat or air conditioning controls, who insist on using regular light bulbs or drives their cars may not be aware of breaking the law. But, to the international environmental enforcement agency who will soon enforce the law, people shall be considered selfish squandering the worlds resources with their gluttonous western wistfulness ways, sadly enough many will acquiesces to “Big” governments disingenuous altruistic ideals.
When this occurs the “Big “governmental potentates presumably will have accomplished a major victory, the masses shall be under control, herded into mass transit, nameless and faceless, as if we were nothing but worthless masses of slaves, sound familiar does it not?
One need not be a history buff to recall the sight of six million German Jews as the third Reich rose to power being treated as I have described, persecuted for crimes against the government which they had no knowledge of, Jew and Christians alike were systematically and methodically forced into poverty leaving people jobless and destitute.
Once despotism is established those in positions of power are free to act without suspicion in the name of justice. Then, people can be relocated as worthless, jobless masses, so loading them into trains which, by then we will become accustom to using as transportation. Therefore, seeing trains loaded with people would be perfectly normal, and go unnoticed as if it were just another day. Speak out against government in any way and we may be carted off to a relocation camp, where constitutional minded rabble are brought to be reeducated in politically correct, tolerant, multicultural thinking. The ground work was laid for the slippery slope decades ago; this administration has pushed an inattentive America off the proverbial cliff