The Egyptian Powder Keg
Independence or Theocracy?
The world watches with bated breath as tens of thousands of predominantly male Egyptians cram the streets this week demanding the end of a thirty year dictatorship. The cry of Egyptians longing for the distinctive smell of freedom fills the air proving, once again, humanity’s hunger to be free. Out of the chaos will come order, out of darkness comes light…out of revolution comes evolution as the Egyptian nation sheds the repression of tyranny. The highly motivated, extremely passionate masses of well intentioned Egyptians have, for a brief moment in time experienced the freedom Americans take for granted. However, the road thereto is long and hard, strewn with unforeseen pitfalls to say nothing of the repercussions of their actions, for with every action there is an equal and unfortunately opposite reaction awaiting the dissidents who call themselves…..The Muslim brotherhood a hegemony of well organized religious Muslim fanatics.
Liberation is but the first step towards freedom, and a far cry from the liberty of a independent republic such as ours which is near impossible to achieve and, as Americans are realizing, extremely difficult to retain. As Egypt revels in its fleeting moment of freedom the hearts of free peoples around the world, mine included, cry out with them, despite their ethnic background, race or religion we cheer for freedom itself as if it were a living being in the words of Dr. King, “free at last, free at last, thank God all mighty we’re free at last.” Sounds great…. hip…. hip…. hooraa! And all that ….ra…. ra jaz. But, if this is a peoples revolution the big question here is, is this to be a lasting freedom from a dictator….or, did the Egyptians trade one single dictator for, an Army of dictators? Will the standing Egyptian Army protect the populist from those of whom seek to seize control? Will this uprising lead the people to a Constitution, of the people, for the people, and by the people….. I think not, here is why.
The question no one in the media, conservative talk shows included, has asked as of yet, just so happens to be this. How much of the existing Egyptian Army, in reality, are Muslims and, on which side of the religious sect do they stand? I ask this because ….if….some of the military are strict Muslim’s who agree with, or sympathy’s with, Sharia law then Egypt has a problem, a big problem. If you see what I’m saying.
But first off, it is imperative for Western civilization too rationally understand the Mid Eastern mindset, their civilization and, most of all their culture that is extremely different in a multitude of ways. Westerners view a civil society under the protection of God given Constitutional rights and freedoms; conversely the Mid East has no such Constitutional protection for the people. Their protection is derived from age old tribal covenants, where religious mandates often act as the ardent law of that particular tribe. The slightest denunciation of tribal laws could cost a member their life, even a minuscule infraction especially if it is a female, who in their culture are considered is as second rated citizens, could have, in western thinking, grotesque consequences.
What happens to emerge when scrutinized is several relevant issues, the least of which is the ability of a religious sect to usurp judicial prudence from the entire government which ….the Muslim brotherhood unequivocally has every intention of doing. Achieving their control through wanton acts of violence, intimidation and outright murder, thus forcing the masses to acquiesce to this barbaric 13th century tribal law which is ostensible meant to squelches all forms of freedom and liberty thereby rendering the populous slaves to their tyrannical teaching. This form of enslavement is inhumane and would not be allowed to exist in this country. I argue, these tribal laws that advocate for violations of human rights of the people are a punishment that aptly applies to, shall we say, criminals in a civil society, and or prisoners of war, but not human beings, if you see my point. To the theocratic teachers of the law and the tyrannical aristocrats in power Christ said this.
Mathew 23:13
“Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You shut the kingdom of heaven in men’s faces. (In other words, a peaceful Republic based upon liberty and freedom)You yourselves do not enter, nor will you let those enter who are trying to.” Suppression of freedom is an infringement of a basic human right, that rights is to be an individual, without this individual right a human becomes nothing more than a slave to a tyrant who rule over them, or tyrants, as in many governments worldwide.
Individual independence from a theocracy steeped in tribal tradition is not going to be easily achieved within a country that has indoctrinated its people with obedience to their religious ideology. Humanity possesses the miraculous ability to adopt, relatively quickly to adversity but the task of changing lifelong religious traditions will be much more difficult and shall be met with stringent, and often violent objections.
However there is a ray of light for real hope and change, to coin a phrase that is these two words meant as deception in his campaign are now going to haunt the Obama administration because within Egypt there really is hope of a united people that real change within their government has, and will continue to occur. Here is why, when interviewed by leftist liberal news reporters the Egyptian people’s response to the Presidents political intervention in their quest for liberty was answered with an astonishing pragmatic retort, so much so that I was taken aback. And, not one but several who plainly said “This is our revolt, Obama did nothing…. We started this revolt !….AND we will finish it, without Obama’s help.” That statement by the people was squarely was a slap in Obama’s face, while at the same time it was a extraordinary display of Egyptian knowledge pursuant to this administration’s foreign policy, that is, there is none, it’s all about Obama, or so he thinks.
Still another heart swelling fact of observation in this revolution is this. Much of the signage used by the protesting populist onslaught had been written in English, a form of communication America should reunite themselves with once again….Why? Egyptians are crafty, downright smart, and quite rational thinkers, obviously. Egyptians knowing that, the United States, though under the leadership of a fool, is still without question the leading world power, despite the antics of its leaders, stupid and disrespectful as they are to our nation.
He who influences the States United, I say it this way because there are now 29 States United with law suits against federal government. But I digress, he influences world in one way or another. So, how did the young Egyptian protesters respond the meddling clowns in the Obama regime who, try as they will to make Obama the star again, yep, you got it, with yet another slap right across his face. With three words these brave warriors kicked hot shot Obama right in the seat of his, to big britches, brandishing signs in English which read NO YOU CAN’T! Conveying to the Obama clowns, fools and jesters of the three ring Washington circus who believe in “Yes We Can,” well you disrespectful thugs, the Egyptian people know who and even what you are. The only suckers Obama has fooled is the idealistic utopian dreamers aka, lunar leftist liberals. NO ….YOU ….CAN’T should be the new slogan of the States United and a revered bumper sticker on every patriotic rational right wings vehicle.
Egypt my highest accommodations to all of your patriots who proposed, organized and executed the revolution. God bless you and your liberty, secure it, hold on with all of your might, learn from the mistakes of America, let truth and honor prevail, loose them and virtue and morality vanishes. “We the people” let our liberty and our republic be taken over by a faction within our own society; hear me citizens of Egypt. The greatest threat to the sovereignty of your nation is the radical factions within.
American is fighting a battle against the enemy within that is “Too little, Too late.” This nation has been overrun, as yours can be by a minority of secularist radicals who also are hypocrites. On the one hand this cult of the 1960s era calling themselves the counter Cultural Revolution movement they demanded freedom of speech as there lawless mob pillaged college campuses, blew up buildings and burned others. Hidden behind war protestors, these anti American traders managed to capture a war weary nation, amidst the confusion of a divided body politic, this movement of subversion festers and spreads like cancer. So then I warn the Egyptian Freedom Fighters, beware your counter cultural movement is the maslim brotherhood hiding behind you!
Beware of the traders in your midst, which seek to pervert your noble quest for freedom these liberty robbers are as thieves in the night, their intention is to steal your freedom from governmental oppression and impose upon the populous their concept of governing while wearing the mask of religious belief in the God of Islam. In comparison, it is true America was founded on religious beliefs these beliefs set its civil society free. And then, endowed America with unalienable God given rights, not man given rights. Rights to be independent from government, in our Declaration of Independence it states; “That to secure these Rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their Power from the Consent of the Governed, that whenever any Form of Government, becomes destructive of these Ends, it is the Right of the People, to alter or abolish it, and to institute new Government.”
A theocracy is neither spiritual nor governmental it is egotistical mans domination of a society and societies self imposed oppression, which, superficially appears religious, but is not.
In Matthew 22:25
Christ related it like this; “Woe to you, teachers of the law, Pharisees, you hypocrites! (or one who wears a mask) you clean the outside of the cup and dish but inside they are full of greed and self indulgence.
26. Blind Pharisee! (In other word religious fanatic) First clean the inside of the cup and dish, and then the outside also will be clean.
27. Woe to you, teachers of the law and religious fanatics, you who wear a mask! You are like whitewashed tombs, which look beautiful on the outside but on the inside are full of dead man’s bones and everything unclean.
28. In the same way, on the outside you appear to people as righteous but on the inside you are full of hypocrisy and wickedness.
Therefore Egyptian people of the revolution chose wisely your governing body chose from the people who are of the people to rule over the people thus producing a body politic that is the people and then Egypt will have its Independence.