After Obama Care What’s Next!
Revised 27/9/10
If you think this bill is bad, you aint seen nothing yet! Get ready America, the worst is yet to come but, it is coming soon; it is all downhill from here! Did anyone notice that Democratic politicians really don’t care how many seats they lose to Republicans in Congress because of their vote on the health-care issue in the 2010 election? If you haven’t notice, then I suggest you go back to sleep, or watching the latest reality show on the boob tube. Anyhow, here is what transpired.
Democrats, aka elitist, liberal socialists, are not concerned with a conservative because, as far as they are concerned, this bill is one of the end results of the political war the radical counter culture movement has been fighting for since the 1960s. Did anyone ask themselves, why so many Democrat Representatives resigned in the last few months, politicians whom, would have needed to be dead to resign? Hello out there, is anyone paying attention that has foresight? Answer is thus; I think, most people have a conscience, maybe not radical liberals, but most people intuitively know when the result of their actions are, just plain wrong. These Democrats, smell the rats in the word Democrats, and have bailed themselves out, rather than endure the scorn history will bring it bear on the reputations of these individuals and their family members, who, knowingly had privy to a plan which will caused decimation to other Americans. To wit; History will bear whiteness to this account, branding all those involved as a trader to our country, for the rest of eternity. Just think, their names will be remembered throughout history, as those whom, thought more about their self interests then their countryman, a legacy no one could be proud of. It has been said “What we do in life, echoes in eternity.” These Democrats that resigned know what is coming, and opted out before the other shoe dropped, the other shoe, by the way, is “cap and trade.”
Next question is similar to the first, do we understand why Democrats do not care that the Republicans will have the majority of Congress in a few months? The answer to the questions is clear; it is a one party system, corrupted with cronyism, favoritism and slush fund money with no accountability attached. And, as carrier politicians they all know of the belt way corruption amongst them yet, neither side will contrive a plan to cleanse there house. Instead, there our legislators look the other way and the corruption continues, so let’s not elude ourselves into a false security, as it were, with wishful thinking of victory by one party or another. Face fasts America, both, so called parties are privy to the corruption plaguing our government, thus, destroying our national honor, liberty and our Constitution.
It is wishful thinking, naïveté or both to think that our government leaders, once seduced by ephemeral power would willingly surrender it. There are few, but not many therefore, there comes a time in human events when, it is time to literally clean house, to end the corruption that has gone on for too many, for too long. But in order to rid ourselves from the disease of corruption, we must, through the baby out with the bath water, as it were. Desperate times, that are ahead, call for desperate measures, so let us then clean, not only the White House, making it clean and white with honor once again, but the legislative and judiciary of all the trash festering within its walls. Think of it this way, scripture admonishes, not to put new wine in old wine skins or the old wine skins will cause the new wine to expand until it bursts. And more food for thought, physiological studies in behavior have shown that, if we try and reform a wicked person, by mentoring that person with a good person, the good person’s behavior will turn bad, not the other way around, as one might think.
Finally patriots, it warms the heart to see America finally waking up to face the Dragon of Orwellian stile, big brother government, but sad to see how few are outraged by the shear arrogance of our elected legislators. I do not say this without due consideration; the beginning of the end is near, not the end of America, but, the end of business as usual politics in this country is in the final stages of a total breakdown. Cap and trade will be the proverbial straw that broke the camel’s back.
There is overwhelming evidence, as stated hereinafter, the political war, set forth by the counter cultural movement in the 60s, who’s aim was, as Antonio Gramsci instructed, to destroy the family by condoning atrocities such as abortions (aka, baby killing) divorce, unrestrained sex, and homosexual relationships has succeeded in decimating the family and perverting our, once moral culture. I sincerely hope they are proud of the admirable achievement bestowed upon them, to reiterate, “Want we do in life, echoes in eternity.” Their relentless assault on marriage between a man and a woman, the Christian church and unprecedented rights for minorities, to date, worked its magic.
As we now know, this health-care bill is not the end of this abusive denigration of American freedom and liberty; this debacle is only a small part of the overall plan to destroy this country, together with our civil society. Having said that, in my perspective, over the months to come, people will get to see how much more of our freedom we have allowed the government to take away. But be assured, somewhere in the two thousand plus pages of that erroneous excuse for a health-care bill, there exists, the abomination of our constitutional rights, in small print or specifically derived, ambiguous language. Rights we have never dreamed in our worst nightmare would be violated yet, once a bill becomes law, the former rights citizens took for granted which protected all of us from the authoritarian fist of the government agencies – are no longer valid.
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