Don’t be afraid of the darkness

Don’t Be Afraid Of The Darkness
The shadow world of Plato’s cave

Plato the Greek philosopher formulated a rather brilliant, and interesting observation, in which he identified the difference between a false image and true reality which contemporary man seems to have lost sight of. And therefore it is worthy of discussion. In Plato’s observation he selected shadows on the wall of a cave which were projected by a fire of puppets one foot high standing nearby, clearly indicating the difference between what we see as shadows are in fact, only an illusion and not reality, which is simple enough to comprehend.

These shadows on the wall were nothing but an imitation of real things standing in front of the fire where, in the brightness of day, the shadows shown in the dark confines of the cave do not exist; there nature is merely an exaggeration. Plato’s observation further disproves the old adage of “to see is to believe” for in this instance, seeing the shadow is nothing but a false understanding of true reality which is only a foot high puppet, call it a deception, of perception if you will. As Plato delved deeper into the observation the plot thickened, he further imagined that if people were used instead of puppets and placed in front of the fire, and if they were held bound in chains in such a way which prevented them from moving their heads or bodies making movement impossible, the fire behind them would cast an enormous shadow upon the curved cave walls, by restraining the prisoner’s movement the images of the shadows could be manipulated to shape their perception. This would naturally lead to a phenomenon where the images cast on the cave wall would then become truth in the eye of the beholder. Truth to them would literally be nothing but shadows of images, and once released from bondage, in the light of day the shadows vanish, the prisoners soon would realize their belief was in a shadow, a mere deception, not reality. Images thought to be reality to a captive audience serve to mislead and manipulate a person’s perception of objects and events.
Today these objects and events are, by design of governmental agencies,  implemented as weapons of propaganda and disinformation, whose sole purpose is to deny and at the same time deceive, thus constraining the growth of American power and influence worldwide. Cap and trade is such an object of deception arising from another environmentally contrived event. The naïve notion of global climate change requires administration action, this action inevitable resulting in more rules, regulations and laws along with them a conglomeration of governmental governing agencies. “Big” government grows bigger, and bigger, so big it then has empowered itself to enforce the law, which is false deception, as if it were the true reality.
America has become the prisoners in Plato’s cave, whereby we are restrained, bound hand and foot so movement is impossible, we cannot turn around to see misleading information which is manipulating the masses into believing global warming is reality when, the truth is, it is a mere shadow projected on the minds of fearful people.
People who, may even have good intentions in mind or are simply submissive or are unaware of the repercussions which will arise as a direct result of their incoherence.  The governments information pertaining to global warming is nothing more then crap told to slaves.  The misleading truth is “Big” government strategy is to use the law and  due process, then use the masses as slaves, taxing the masses into poverty, controlling their healthcare by rationing out government run medical care, to whom the powerful will deem worthy or not and, forcing the ineffectual notion of green energy on the American people. Going green, in other words means going broke, it will further enslave the masses by denying the production of proven effective energy. Energy that is available in abundance within this country, this has and will continue to weakens our geopolitical strength which  has a direct result in that it weakens our national security resulting in an increase in terrorism.
In essence cap and trade is, as previously mentioned become the personification of this administrations class warfare action, because now that legislators passed this bill the President has gained unprecedented powers, powers that give him absolute and complete control over the entire populous.  And, in their schizophrenic minds this is somehow idealistic. So, at this time rather than discussing the paradoxical requirement in this so called cap and trade fiasco which, as we all know will be impose upon all businesses. Businesses large and small shall be made subservient to its laws by the use of severe penalties that the administration has not yet disclosed. Having said that, discussing cap and trade rules and regulations basically is an exercise in naiveté from whom it was instituted, namely President Obama. Instead lets approaches the subject matter from another angle, a logical and concise approach would be to confer our vulnerability in respect to the cap and trade plan and how it is steeped in misleading deception, all based on the notion of global warming.

Once again, bear in mind, the sole purpose of this event is not a noble cause to save the planet but to deny and constrain the growth of America. We must first understand that the EPA will deny and constrain American growth which  has been sequestered by the environmental activist who, through their protesting have proven that reliable, cost effective energy, such as oil and nuclear power are the contributors of global warming. These activists are organized and sophisticated in their assault on energy they knowingly unleashed a battery of legal tyrant’s whose squarely aiming their sights at the target which is America’s economic growth. These tyrants are the “Big” government’s pitbull known as the Environmental Protection Agency or EPA who posses unchallengeable power.

The EPA has declared everything from evil industry, to greedy business to automobiles to cow flagellants to the air human’s exhale to be in some obscure way, culpable in the cause of global warming. And furthermore, in order for the mighty EPA to squelch this ghostly shadow, of its own creation, the nation must first be dissuaded from the consumption of fossil fuels. And, at the same time the nation will be forced into a nightmarish dream world of going Green.   This foolish notion of going green is not only dangerous, and extremely naïve, it can and will, as previously stated serve to deny and slow American growth worldwide.

History provides us with proof that “Big” government has an unquenchable lust for power, but, one could argue government is comprise of people, the difference is, these are the people with the power, and it has been said, absolute power corrupts absolutely, and for this government is quite true. Just one more thing, for the people with the power to retain the power, said people with the power must protect their almighty positions in power, knowing full well, power is ephemeral as smoke, one moment it’s here and poof, the next it is not, as simple as that. So then it follows, retaining power invites extreme action, ruthless action, and ruthlessness proceeding name is control, or ruthless control.

However paradoxically in politics the execution of control requires a patient persevering stream of misleading deception where ruthless control moves silently from minuscule victory to minuscule victory, until, at long last, quite like a spiders web ruthless control suffocates it’s unexpected victim, who by then, are bound up in its rules and regulations.

But once again, to retain absolute power suppression of the people is imperative.  Then ruthless control must be applied upon the masses which requires laws.  These laws are then the evil web ruthless controllers use to suppress its masses, their justification is the environmentalists are protecting the world against global warming which leads us back to cap and trade mentioned earlier.  On the one hand we have global warming and on the other cap and trade.   Global warming needs cap and trade to exist and not the other way around.

Under the iron fisted protection of the law environmental extremists will punish the masses for the use of all forms of energy from home heating fuel, to light bulbs, to driving your cars and demand the masses instead go green and use only efficient forms of energy such as mass transit.  All this mind you to ostensibly save energy and, unequivocally this notion may to some seem as though it is a good intended idea..-or not?
Here is why not, give government an inch and it will take a foot. Once in possession of the foot it will demand a mile, and it never ends until government is stopped.  Environmental extremists ardent demands never end soon after winning one small argument and achieving one victory, mark my words, that in the name of environmental safety, once again they will demand everyone must use mass transit.

We all will be subject to the laws they have decreed or be punished, let’s say a ticket at first, then a fine of some sort until one day ordinary people  wake up incarcerated, for what? No one will know. Soon a violator of the law who does not turn down their heat or air conditioning controls, who insist on using regular light bulbs or drives their cars may not be aware of breaking the law.  But, to the international environmental enforcement agency who will soon enforce the law, people shall be considered selfish squandering the worlds resources with their gluttonous western wistfulness ways, sadly enough many will acquiesces to “Big” governments disingenuous altruistic ideals.

When this occurs the “Big “governmental potentates presumably will have accomplished a major victory, the masses shall be under control, herded into mass transit, nameless and faceless, as if we were nothing but worthless masses of slaves, sound familiar does it not?
One need not be a history buff to recall the sight of six million German Jews as the third Reich rose to power being treated as I have described, persecuted for crimes against the government which they had no knowledge of, Jew and Christians alike were systematically and methodically forced into poverty leaving people jobless and destitute.

Once despotism is established those in positions of power are free to act without suspicion in the name of justice.  Then, people can be relocated as worthless, jobless masses, so loading them into trains which, by then we will become accustom to using as transportation.  Therefore, seeing trains loaded with people would be perfectly normal, and go unnoticed as if it were just another day. Speak out against government in any way and we may be carted off to a relocation camp, where constitutional minded rabble are brought to be reeducated in politically correct, tolerant, multicultural thinking. The ground work was laid for the slippery slope decades ago; this administration has pushed an inattentive America off the proverbial cliff

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Governments Worst Nightmare

Governments Worst Nightmare


Know Your Rights, use it OR lose it!


To those who have ears to hear, I submit to you this; American citizens do not know the awesome power related to the people that are contained within our Second Amendment right, nor the  intention of our founders that are associated to this so called right. But, what is even more germane, nor do we understand it. And, I submit to you the reader, we must. Then, use your right or, mark my words, you will lose it! Hence, my rendition of the intention of the our Second Amendment rights.

It has become blatantly clear to me that the interpretation of the Second Amendment right has been incorrectly related for decades. In that its true meaning has been purposely misaligned by authoritarian rulers who, for their own self centered security choose to skew the true meaning or intention for FEAR of the people. Then, due to the fact that Americans have indifferently taken the true meaning out of context for so long, it then no longer communicates the powerful intention of the framers. In so doing we, as a civil society have let yet another blessing of liberty slip, like dry sand through our fingers, primarily because over time humans grow weary securing liberty. The human condition grows weak holding on to blessing and then subsequently makes the mistake of taking it for granted, whereby, like smoke, the meaning dissipates. Let me show you how and where the fault lies, not to wax poetic but, the fault lies not within the stars, but within ourselves, as Shakespeare so rightly proclaimed.

Americans, including me who have not read the entire Second Amendment have been told, the Second Amendment of the Constitution grants citizens “the right to keep and bear arms.” However after actually reading the amendment I realized it said much more and then asked myself, so what the hell does that saying mean? The answer is, quite frankly NOTHING! In fact, the cute little saying is precisely that, an endearing statement signifying nothing of substance. This, by the way, happens to be the method in which most indifferent American citizens recite it. In doing so we become just like inane drones, clueless to its power possessed within the true meaning and more precisely its intention for which it was written. And, it just so happens to be what the governments past and present would have citizens believe, because, as we shall see, after some scrutiny, the Second Amendment is our government’s or for that matter any Governments Worst Nightmare.

Having said that, from this point on this thesis will require the reader to pay strict attention to the intention of the second amendment. Let me reiterate, kindly pay strict attention to the intention as the intention is of utter importance. Because, the message being conveyed is, for the most part, somewhat elusive, in that the words which were written by the framers are transient mainly due to the vernacular of the days long past and therefore they have, and will, simply circumvent modern human understanding. Also, as I said before it is due to the misinformation we have received. So be warned, if you fail to comprehend the true intention or meaning of this God given Second Amendment right it then will sadly be lost forever. Our forefathers understood the necessity to defend this fragile republic and it depends upon like minded patriots to fully comprehend the intention. Forgive me for belaboring the point but it is worth it, as I hope you will soon see.

But first off, cleanse your mind of the notion that the Second Amendment grants us “the right to keep and bear arms,” which it does…  but … at the same time it is a erroneous belief, in that, it is an infinitesimal part of a greater whole where the missing de facto components of this Constitutional right are purposely evaded, wherein one must ask the question but…. Why? The answer of which will become self evident as you read on.

Secondly, I implore you, put on your thinking caps, the word why is crucial to intellectual cognizance in this case, e.g. why was the Second Amendment or Improvement was added to the Constitution in the first place?

And thirdly for clarity, I have compiled a list of word definitions which are pertinent to comprehending the Amendment. So kindly stay with me now, if I sound redundant it is because repetition sticks in the human mind, in fact it is how liberal lies manage to come to fruition, in that, their ad nauseam mantra never ends.  All we hear is “Global warming this, global warming” that and before we know it other idiots that can easily be deceived are reiterating the same nonsense, much like in the chicken little fable, “the sky is falling, the sky is falling.” How an adult manages to lower their integrity and spew childish gobbledygook baffles my mind, but I digress, in utter disgust.

I have taken the liberty to signify the difference in the actual Amendment and my rendition is thus; quotation marked sentences indicates the actual amendment so kindly pay close attention to which are which, highlighted sentences shall begin with… Or, in other words … they are therefore, my attempt to clarify the interpretation using dictionary definitions. Also, highlighted and underlined words such as Regulated will contain a list of dictionary definition; they are words that will require thought as to their intention or meaning.

Remember, questions inspires thought that may, in most cases, lead to a rational logical conclusion invariably resulting in a clearer understanding or even a epiphany, of which liberalism know little or nothing (had to get that shot in) because if liberals applied the word why to their thoughts the fools may actually be able to rationally figure something out, like, why a Zipper is in on their trousers and armed with that knowledge, removing them need not be so difficult, never the less, leave us continue.

Indeed it is my argument, and may I say it may be an especially hard pill to swallow, only because of all the years Americans have been mislead, bamboozled and impeded by feeble platitudes e.g. the right to keep and bear arms from, lo and behold, our own governmental spokes holes who, dare not give further details about the truth. Yes liberals AND conservatives, republicans AND democrats alike have repress the true intention of the Second Amendment right for decades. The daunting question as previously stated…is why? Let us see the de facto evidence of what the intention of the framers was and, by the way, indeed still is.


*The Second Amendment

Or in other words – The Second Improvement




“A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state,”

Kindly ask yourself …from whom is the state or territory to be free from… answer …the interference of government or King as in their case!

Or, in other words- have ready a well controlled military type force of armed civilians like you and me which is needed for the safely and to hold in place the ability to do what one wants in a territory, without the interference of the government.


“the right of the people to keep and bear arms,”

The question here is for what? The answer is, once again, to defend citizens of the state from interference by the Federal Government!

Or, in other words – the legal entitlement of state citizens to store in a regular place and or carry on their person any type of fire arms necessary to insure their freedom.


“shall not be infringed.”

Or, in other words – will not now or in the future be limited or restricted in any way.

Word definitions

1. Regulated = to control or for controlling something.

2. Militia = a military force made up of ARMED CIVILIANS, in other words ….you and me!

3. Necessary = is needed. Again ask yourself ….Why are armed civilians are necessary to the security of a free state?

4. Security = safety or from the root word secure, to fix or fasten or hold in place as not to give way.

5. Free, = the ability to do what one wants. So ask yourself free from what? From whom is it necessary to be free from?

6. State = a territory considered as an organization.

7. Right = a legally entitlement.

8. Keep = to store in a regular place.

9. Bear = to carry.

10 Arms = guns or weapons.

11. Infringed = limited or restricted in any way.


This is the second amendments true intention;

Have ready a well controlled force of armed civilians which is needed for the safety and to hold in place the ability of the people to do what they want in their territory, without the interference of the government.

Therefore, all citizens of the states are entitled with the right under the Constitution to store guns in a regular place and or to carry a gun on their person, at any time, the type of gun which is necessary to defend themselves from interference by the Federal Government.

And this right will not now nor in the future be limited or restricted in any way.



If, for some reason my seemingly estranged translation of the Second Amendment right sounds odd, well for all intensive purposes it should, the dirty little secret is, no one in government wishes to speak of this basic right. This is because, citizen rights take away power from government and, much to their chagrin turns the power over to its rightful owner …the governed. An armed civilian force of controlled civilians, made up of citizens, may I add, is the greatest protection possible from meddling big brother government and its redundant bureaucratic tyranny, for ourselves here and now, and our future generations.

Notwithstanding the Second Amendment right remains the guardian of our God given liberty and freedom that we, as American citizens are endowed with. And, the right  symontainosly is a standing threat to any prospective oligarchy which, as history teaches, has often arisen from a military weak, overly regulated, tax laden civil society like this nation has now become. And personally, what I find even more freighting is, an unarmed civil society which is unable, and in most cases unwilling to defend itself is easy prey for the evils of this world.

For further proof listen closely to the words written in the Declaration of Independence



The Declaration of Independence,

I quote;

“That to secure these rights, (life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness) governments are instituted among men, deriving their just power from the consent of the governed, that whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish  it and to institute new government.” This my friends is “Governments Worst Nightmare.” It is what government fears the most, a revolution, as Egypt is experiencing.


Unlike Egypt the patriots of the United States are armed, and though we like minded citizens have not yet formed a civilian force we are ready, silent but waiting. The armed patriots of the United States can and will stand, shoulder to shoulder against governmental tyranny and also will fight to defend our God given Constitutional rights.

Remember, unarmed citizens will fall as slaves to armed authoritarian rule. Choose this day, which shall it be, tyranny at the behest of the government or freedom which may cost lives? Then be a true American patriot and if you do not own a gun implement your Constitutional right …Buy one brother….while you still can. We have a republic to defend; it has been said “To Arms, To Arms.” Then, be ready to serve as like minded citizens of the States United  under God, for time grows short as the day of evil draws near!

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The Tucson Arizona Massacre – the Brink of Disaster

The Tucson Arizona Massacre

Blog 26 – 9/10/11


The Brink of Disaster


Unbeknownst to most citizens this nation now teeters on the brink of disaster caused by one crazed gunman who, witnesses say, just appeared amongst the assembling crowd of spectators seemingly from nowhere, thoughtfully and knowingly pulled out his hand gun and indiscriminately commenced  firing at the crowd killing six and wounding many more. His action, in one irrational moment of pure evil, stunned the emotions of this nation. And as a result, the backlash which will invariable follow there from, emphatically will, result in repercussions that may ignite the powder keg of politically explosive emotions which are afoot not only in Arizona but throughout the country. On this day, the tragic and senseless slayings of innocent people in the, soon to be known as, The Tucson Arizona Massacre, this shooting case has caused much more damage to this already frail and vulnerable  republic then one could imagine, let me explain.

But before I do, I would like to take a moment to extend my profound and heartfelt sorrow, condolences and my prayers to all of the people involved in this event. And, may I say with the utmost respect, God will ease your pain which we all share. Yet, amidst the sorrow and grief of those whom are morning their loss deceptive manipulators already have begun their attack, with blatant disregard of the grief these innocent people now are enduring. The heartless, Godless political left wing extremists which I have referred to as the Saul Alinsky anti American movement are, as we see quite alive and well, rearing its ugly head once again as they seize their opportunity to, at any cost mind you, trigger negative emotions for a long sought after plan.

Alinsky trained them in his ideology where… “The end justifies the means”…. Winning is the only thing that matters and armed with this philosophy they have sought after very specific political repercussions from this tragic event however macabre their strategy may seem. These national socialists who espouse hope and change will, at long last, finally culminate (in their thinking) into a reaction of epic proportions and thus causing a constitutional melt down. Once again, I reiterate, this tragedy is the opportunity extremist’s use as their mantra to further aggravate an emotional outcry against violence, ironically, in doing so they become advocates of violence themselves. However, Alinskiets know no shame; remember to this breed …..the end justifies the means. So, with god like blessings from the patronizing media this anti American regime move forward tugging at the heart strings of humanity fanning flames of national hysteria. They are undoubtedly pressing for a civic repercussions against guns and gun advocates and freedom of speech pointing their useless finger of blame squarely at innocent icons of conservative thinkers they fear the most, namely SarahPalin and, Rush Limbaugh accusing them and many more of provoking persons to commit violent acts by their rebellious anti governmental speech. And if you are listening carefully, concluding their vindictive dogma with their true hidden agenda and that is of course….our constitutional rights which the existentialist elitists seeks to eradicate from our governing charter….. Forever!

While congress woman Gabrielle Giffords an advocate of the second amendment rights and a gun owner herself lies critically wounded in a hospital from a gunshot wound to the head, the Alinskiets went to work accusing conservatives of the atrocity rather than the shooter himself and within hours somehow Bloggers? AM conservative talk show hosts? and the Tea Party movement was to blame, talk about personal responsibility. On the way home from work I listened, in utter amazement as a Arizona’s Sheriff what’s his name, inferred in a news briefing this shooting happened because of the distain and animosity felt towards the government by the aforementioned, I think he was talking about you – and – me ? Though I could be wrong…. anyway. If it were humanly possible to release steam from ones ears I might have appeared as a locomotive, anger towards his draconian explanation would be a grotesque understatement. So let me express this tid bit of advice, reckless and potentially dangerous statements such as this should be personally stifled as they may trigger even more emotional violence that could easily erupt on either political side, once enacted could quickly spiral out of control. And by the way, it is not the job of a law enforcement officers to neither speculate nor render his opinion as to the motivations pertaining to the physiological or emotional state of a suspect, a departmental apology and retraction of the sheriffs statement is in order. And be thankful, if it were up to me he, this condescending political potentate who ostensibly represents the law, would be seeking employment elsewhere. In other words I would, “kick his ass out.”

Unfortunately, this tragic shooting shall be subjugated by anti speech, anti gun, anti constitution, politically correct speech police whom, at the same time, support net neutrality known as the censorship of the internet and freedom of speech to boot. Their typical rhetoric has already emerged all over the news for days on end. Their anti constitutionalists tactics are; first, to stop the forward motion of the growing nationwide constitutional movement claiming that standing up for our rights will exacerbate persons with physiological conditions, therefore we must stop using our right to free speech, which is their way of saying all of you constitutionalists sit down and

shut up…be silent. I say, F–k you, not this time, this is war and like my President said and I quote, “If they bring a knife, I will bring a gun.” Of course we know appeasement of their demand is NOT an option, the Saul Alinsky trained anti American movement army is, for all intensive purposes, as the saying goes, going for the preverbal throat, a constitutional kill, so to speak…starting with our first amendment rights and then the second amendments rights ostensible rendering this nation speechless and worse unarmed! Hence producing a quagmire in which there is virtually no way out.

Yet somehow this time, I feel and in fact predict we, the American people are not going to take any more rhetorical liberal indignations which we know are designed to silence us, lying down. No, not this time knowing that this nation is losing its sovereignty to, of all things, haters of the America way of life who, in my mind are literally traders in our midst. And I feel in this case the repercussion or backlash as I call it on my talk radio show has ignited a blood feud against this pernicious anti American movement, the golden chalice of liberalism. But curiously enough, these loud mouth idiots have brought the fury to come upon themselves with their relentless accusations and searing hatred for our God given liberties. Anti Americans aka Alinskites are about to, for the second time since the congressional election severally gets their ass kicked. The Arizona atrocity has aroused national passion with an incomprehensible enthusiasm and steadfast fervor I had assumed was long forgotten. And I feel we the American people are going to go after their balls. And the balls of which I speak are now in our court called victory, (thought I meant something else, well, them too.)

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Bang, Your Dead! – Series 3 – “The Time Is Up!”

“The Time Is Up”

Blog –(24) -3/12/10

Part three


“Bang, You are Dead!”


One step beyond the Twilight Zone lurks political evil, somewhere between the pit of mans fears and the summit of his knowledge. This evil has infested the civil society as cancer does to the human host by mutating its cells. And, much like the mutated cancer cells this political evil has produced a small breed of illogical, politically correct foolish thinkers that somehow managed to mysteriously encapsulate their passive, yet tolerant masses with an ideology of foolihsness while perverting our government and its laws. Thus producing a governing body that seems as though it is a story out of Alice in Wonderland which we have come to know as liberalism or in other words…the fools running the insane asylum. And, as I have noted before in part two of this series “The Jig Is Up” if foolish liberals, who act and react upon shear emotions are allowed the run the government then there is no hope for society. In reality of course, fools would not be allowed to run an insane asylums because the insane inmates would escape and, likewise, the same fools should not be elected to political office.

History will bare me out in proving my claim to be self-evident, but one must look at the most prominent well known models of insanity that fools elected to office, they are, of course Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, Benito Mussolini of the WW-2 era then we have our certifiably nut cases of this era, starting with Sudam Hassan and sons, Castro, Chavez, the Ayatollah… “And on and on we go where we stop nobody knows.” However, the child’s fable in this case, simply is not true because the pragmatic conservative does know where this insanity will stop, and be warned, the time is up.

The Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has made his intentions quite clear, unlike incoherent liberal fools in our government who derive their notion of appeasement from their fear of direct confrontation. Conversely, Ahmadinejad emphatically denies Israel is a legitimate state and, at the same time minces no words about it, he flat out threatens to annihilate Israel with an Atomic Bomb, while almost thanking Obama for his timely pacification in the matter. The truth be told Ahmadinejad, rather than Obama, is the one who is rational, he concisely knows what he is going to achieve, Obama, on the other hand, is clueless which is both foolish and insane.

For example, hypothetically speaking, if a 4’-2”gang banger weighting 110 pounds was standing in front of me with my friend standing alongside of me saying to my face calmly and rationally, “Your friend Israel over there took my house and kept me out of it for a long time, and for years you Uncle Sap give me the gun of appeasement but no bullets, but now things have changed because my friend Russia gave me two bullets for my gun to kill you with, one for him and one for you. And here they are in the palm of my hand, I will now put one bullet in the gun, put the gun to Israel’s head and blow his brains out. And, because you Uncle Sap are the great Satan which to Islam is nothing but a society of perverted sub humans and since you are the Jews friend ….Bang, Your Dead!”

The logical conclusion to the overly simplistic aforementioned scenario would be to restrain the gang banging assailant from his feeble attempt at vengeance. Notorious thugs and terrorists alike achieve their victorious conquests in several ways through physiological intimidation, atrocities against humanity, and the castigation of the innocent. Therefore, defensive aggression of the self or the nation should be rapidly implemented for prudent sake. Given the size and weight of the, would be assailant, (the little turd Ahmadinejad) one can arrive at the logical conclusion that, without bullets the gun he is wielding is useless and, the only weapon he possesses at the moment is his extremely large mouth. A person, or for that matter a country could and should, when faced with aggression muster all the courage necessary, close ones fist tightly, then with all of our might punch the little son of a bitch square in the nose with one hand while removing the fire arm from his possession with the other.

Here again the law of physics clearly states, a body in motion tends to stay in motion, which will result in the fact that this pathetic loud mouth piece of fecal matter will fall backwards on the ground hopefully, with legs spread…as one who is an avid believer in the tactics taught by the ancient martial arts instructors, who impress  upon us students, often with great personal pain involved, that a fight is not over until the opponent can no longer resume his conquest of aggression or in other words, when the basterd is dead. Therefore, in this scenario while one has obtained the advantage over the gang banging terrorist who now lies flat on his back blood streaming down his tear filled cheeks we must, of course, utilize his open groin area for several reasons, that is to defeat, demoralize and decimate our adversary. This is achieved naturally by, a good old soccer kick to his balls. Next, remove the Russian made bullets from the terrorists hand, load them into the gun he, moments ago was threatening me with, place the muzzle against his temple, cock the hammer, and ask him, amidst his moans of pain, the words of Dirty Harry Callahan, “Do you feel lucky punk.” Then and only then is the battle over, disarmed – defeated – demoralized – decimated, our enemies must lie helpless at our feet, which is where America gains power. Heed this warning my countryman, America will either be defeated or we will defeat our enemy, so chose this day, which shall it be, then get ready, get tough and prepare for the revolution that is to come…. But know this….only one will win…. the other shall loose.

Think rationally now, observe the Red Chinese people’s liberation army who have successfully created a submarine so quiet that it is virtually undetectable, surfacing at will wherever it is required to. One attack sub of this caliber is capable of deploying multiple atomic warheads; the Red Chinese now have six to eight song class 096 boats. And lo and behold, A Chinese submarine launched a missile thirty miles off the coast of California in United States waters, which is not only a server act or aggression but a prelude to war yet, no action was taken by the Commander and Chief and, the spineless New media dropped the story like a hot potato, the pentagon ran and hid, and homeless security stuffed its head in the sand, get the picture? When another of seven Red Chinese attack boats slink through our defense systems to surface one day soon, armed this time with nuclear weapons…. America will then know

“The Time Is Up” action is the our only means of survival, our enemies know “The Jig Is Up” America hid like a frightened child when “The Sub Is Up” and the next time its surfaces its……..

“Bang, Your Dead!”

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Bang, Your Dead! – Series 2 -The Jig Is Up

The Jig Is Up!

Part two

Bang, you’re Dead!

The familiar smell of salt water filled the Captains lungs as he took a deep breath, then shouted a series of military commands, only this time the crew could hear a sense of urgency in his voice “all watches below…. DIVE….DIVE…. Chief of the boat… sound General Quarters… all men to battle stations…. this is not a drill… I repeat this is not a drill.”

An immediate response shot back amongst the confusion, “Eye Captain, sounding battle stations sir,” the stunned Chief reacted as he was trained, but he could see the anger in the captain face as he whizzed by him, puzzled, he thought to himself, “What the heck happened, the skipper moments ago answered a message from The Pentagon on his secure up link then, in a second this….What the Hell was the message and why sound battle stations?….Oh no!….Oh my God!….This could be war!!” Within seconds the SSN-777 Virginia Class attack sub The North Carolina would vanish from sight in silence beneath the oceans foam.

As the North Carolina’s alarm sounds the call to battle stations breaking the silence of this otherwise calm crew of men; the call to battle stations will send men running at full gate throughout the boat as if in a frenzy. Every member of this highly trained attack submarines knows manning the boats battle stations could be a prelude to war. This is the type of war that could come at any time, so to this crew preparedness is essential for a military victory, being prepared to deploy anywhere at a moment’s notice and, of course, to fight to defend America from aggression, or acts thereof. These man and woman who wear the uniform of the US Military swear an oath to protect our country if need be, with their lives. On this day, as fate would have it, this particular nuclear powered anti sub- sub, will receive the ultimate test which may plunge America into a defensive war, or even worse cause the world to label the once mighty American military as…cowards, lacking the courage to fight aggression in her defense.

Kindly take notice, this opening dramatization is but a small segment of a predictable war scenario that, in the wake of the recent missile launch has become not only possible, but in fact quite probable, as it has conveyed a rather strong message to all of whom are watching. The message is not, could this story really happen, the message is, when it is going to happen. And therein arises the million dollar question, what, if anything, will this administration and or our elected government representatives due about it? That is besides talk or talk about talking.


In this three part series called “Bang, Your Dead!” I endeavored to, in part one entitled, “The Sub is Up” articulate my argument which we covered in the speculative theory pursuant to the recent missile firing off the coast of California. Thus concluding the fact, it had to be a decisive launch by either one of two world superpowers, the choices being China, the other Russia, who are capable of executing a, shall we say rather sophisticated missile lunch that, just so happens to require enormous technical and navigational skills in order to achieve the strategic position in, by the way, US Coastguard jurisdiction. Remember, too, the Russians after facing a devastating cold war defeat economically could not sustain the arms race with the United States any longer, lacking the ability to financially keep pace with, or for that matter maintain their existing military might or nuclear arsenal, the once feared Russia Communists party sought a new direction, namely narcissistic greed and the lust for power, which the mighty KJB officials found in appropriating… aka stealing…. natural resources that produce Billions in revenue from their neighboring countries , assisted by, none other than, the French government, who else? So then, we rather quickly eliminate the second candidate, leaving the first, you guessed it, China, who has everything to gain and little or nothing to lose.

China has the motive, the means and the opportunity to display her latest extremely quiet submarine, for the second time may I say, whereby pronouncing her ability to mysteriously appear where no one expects it could, or, for that matter, would. Indeed our own military experts also include astonished admirals of the US Naval fleet who take the security of our aircraft carriers seriously. So when this Chinese Song class 093 attack submarine pops up, smack in the middle of our fleet only 1,000 feet from the USS Kitty Hawk, then America should made aware this act is a display of aggression a very….very…dangerous display of Chinese aggression.

This first highly documented event took place in November of 2007, now a mere three years later a missile is launched from a vessel unknown to the Pentagon, so they say. A missile is launches only thirty miles off the California coast and Americans are expected to believe the nonsensical dribble of bad reporters who have their head in the sand….sure we believe you! Want more egg on your already red –faces, gentleman.

Now hear this! As we say in the Navy, this lone Chinese submarine is not a figment of imagination, its real; it managed to slip past at least a dozen warships which were supposed to protect The Kitty Hawk and its 4,500 personnel on board from hostile aircraft and or submarines. What is radically bazaar even the two US submarines could not detect it because the 13 Song Class sub is extremely quiet and difficult to detect when running on its electric motors. A former Royal Navy anti – submarine specialist Commodore Stephen Saunders inferred, the US paid no attention to this type of submarine since the end of the cold war. Woops, and now the subs is up! To make matters worse, the Pentagons predictions are the Peoples Liberation Army or the PLA’s fleet possessed only two, nuclear – missile launching war vessels in 2007, other sources suggest upwards of 6 to 8 boats are in service today. “The Jig Is Up” China we know who you are!


To continue with my hypothesis, from China’s vantage point, it sees the American silent majority as….the fat lazy dumb Ox of appeasement being lead around by a ring in its snout, and not dominated by a great and powerful foe, Oh -No! The image we portray to the Chinese and most of our enemies is, this society is willing to relinquish its freedom and liberty to a bunch of well educated, rich, load mouth liberal political idiots, who never worked to produced goods or services in their lives. And, furthermore these rejects from logical thought represent only a very small fraction of constitutional perverts who then paradoxically control American politics. Given those parameters its sad to say then, America is the fat lazy dumb Ox of appeasement. So then, to the logical oriental mind, this oxymoronically fact is quite insane, and quite frankly, I concur. Nevertheless, to them, if a country allows the insane to run the sanitarium, the sanitarium then has no hope of curing insanity, which perfectly describes politics and therefore politicians in America today, the insane politicians running sanitarium, aka liberalism…. Alice in Wonderland.

China then must consider the aforementioned facts, that is, if the American social society is so vulnerable to intimidation by a small group of loud mouth idiots then, one must conclude, despite our military superiority, we as a nation can be conquered, without firing a shot by the mere threat of nuclear destruction from some loud mouthed North Korean or Iranian dictator, rather than military force. Therefore a missile launch in US Coast Guard Jurisdiction, thirty miles from Los Angeles airport, which also includes not one but two of our major sea ports that are vital to the nation’s economy and… homeland security.

This then, it is a worthwhile scare tactic to implement because, it would be an effective display of the means to inflict massive causalities and, the opportunity to do so. Clearly this intimidation tactic is sending the coward in the White House a message to ponder, which is what might happen if that missile, or any other missile, were nuclear tipped and headed for downtown Los Angeles, sound about right, we’ll wait and see. At any rate China, “The Jig Is Up.”

Let’s face the facts, China financial now owns America, the trillions this administration has squandered, then borrowed from the Red Chinese communists cannot be paid back, and they know it. Taking that into consideration kindly remember what the word borrowed means, borrowed! As in a loan, a loan this country will shortly be demanded to pay back! And if so, just suppose for argument sake, the Chinese were to call in America’s loan, or in other words, demand America pays them back, which as stated before, we cannot, then much to our chagrin, we as a nation would find ourselves in default on the loan, meaning China could, to put it in terms most of us understand, foreclose on our home we call America. Yes you heard me; the Chinese could foreclose on America, just like a bank forecloses on people who cannot pay their mortgage. True it’s not that simple, however, just suppose the appeasing Obama administration feared the whispered threat of a nuclear strike as a default penalty while on his watch from behind closed doors. Capitulation to such a Chinese threat would also render the aid of our military helpless, since Obama is the commander and chief.

Now for the sake of argument say the red Chinese communists propose an ultimatum, that is, give us our money back or forfeit a small amount of your assets in lieu of payment, and suppose that asset was, say the state of Alaska, which is detached, as it were from mainland America, a cold and baron frozen tundra sorely lacking in population, with the exception of Sarah Palin whom Obama would enjoy disposing of permanently. Somehow I feel, for one who has no courage like Obama, and let’s not leave out the politically correct, tolerant, liberal elitists who would surrender the state of Alaska considering it an equitable trade for a small part of our national debt, that is, just as long as the messy business didn’t affect their fame and fortune.

Their justification, that’s easy, I can hear it now, “First off this mess was all George Bush’s fault, let’s make that perfectly clear,” Gibbs would demand! “The President is brilliant!  Just think of what he accomplished, the stupid Chinese settled the deal for only one state, Alaska, who needs Alaska.” Gibbs and the liberal media will proclaim Obama a god. In my estimation, liberalism is ready to give our entire country away to the UN’s new world order that, he is posturing to be Commander of.

Gibbs continues, “President Obama only surrendered one state, after all who wants Alaska anyway it has no green energy or green natural resources, just that old crude oil stuff, let the stupid Chinese rape the frozen land for the oil, they it need more than we do. The intellectuals in the EPA then can shows the world their brutality, so let them take a seaport or two as long as we are absolved of the trillions we stashed away for the United Nations new world order.” Get the picture!


No matter how we slice it the Chinese communists carried out an unmistakable threat with the missile launch saying, “The Jig Is Up” and now, in not so many words “We’ll make em an offer they can’t refuse” language Chicago thugs will have no problem understanding precisely what their saying, surrender Alaska in payment of your national debt or …. the city of Los Angeles and millions of its inhabitants will reached 3000 degrees within a matter of one second, and then its,

“Bang, you’re dead!”

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We May be Crazy…..but? The joke is on who?

We May be Crazy….but!

Blog 10 1/12/10

The joke is on who?

A congressman gets a flat tire right in front of a mental institution only twenty feet away. The flat tire, as luck would have it, just so happened to be in the right rear which faced the institution where, an inmate quietly gazed out of an open second story window now was observing the congressman’s dilemma.

To change the flat tire the congressman opens his trunk of his car, pulls out a jack, tire iron and the spare tire then proceeds to jack up the car, then in haste removing the four lug nuts that hold the wheel on, placing them on the ground next to him. While removing the flat tire the congressman accidently kicks all the lug nuts into a near by storm drain he was unconsciously standing over, naturally he was panic stricken to hear the splashing of water as they hit bottom, “what the hell am I going to do now?” he shouted aloud, as he jumped to his feet, not realizing someone was watching.

Just then the mental institution inmate observing the situation politely answered the congressman’s question with a suggestion. “Excuse me sir, I can see you are in an untenable situation to say the least. Pardon my intrusion but I have a suggestion which will resolve your precarious situation. Ostensibly sir this is but a mere a suggestion however logical deduction would state, if one was to remove one lug nut from each of the three other wheels on the car such an action would result in obtaining a sufficient amount of fastening devices as to secure the wheel to the vehicle temporally until you arrive at the gas station only four blocks away.” Would you concur?

The congressman stood silent for a moment thinking about what the inmate told him, while thinking to himself “why am I listening to a guy in a nut house” but he soon realized the inmate advise was a good idea, so he thanked him first then out of curiosity asked him a question, “Hey man, that was pretty smart, so, what the heck are ya doing in there?”

The inmate paused for a moment, stood up, smiled a condescending smile then responded while staring at the congressman …..“I may be a crazy….but at least I’m not stupid!” and that goes for the rest of us, congressman, and congresswoman we may be crazy Americans but at least we are not stupid! We know just what is going on in congress and the senate, those radical socialists forcing environmental extremism, and the new world order on America, beware and be advised! Your ilk will be stopped, one way or another.

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Fair and Balanced Bull

Fair and Balanced Bull

Blog 6 November 2010

I will not waste any time divulging my disgust for bios journalists reporting the news those of whom, for the most part, knowingly and willingly, continue to supply ammunition for a system of government, which continually violates our Constitution; this infuriates me and apparently millions of my countrymen.

And now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing weather that nation or any nation can long endure. Sound familiar, it should because America once again is locked in mortal combat, another divisive civil war over unresolved differences of two diametrically opposing ideologies collide. Oh yes, the battle rages as if it were a fire out of control and it is, oddly enough this battle is also against slavery, the mass media slavery of people through oppression of the truth which aids in controlling the minds and thoughts of this nation a taken over by liberal extremists entrenched in the News media and government. Nevertheless, the battle shall be won for the hearts and minds of a nation once conceived in liberty, as of the November second legislative election it has become apparent the tide has shifted. Americans have become aware that liberalism espouses socialist ideology it is now, and has been, attempting a hostile takeover the liberty and our God given freedoms. This crisis comes at a time when the American people supporting our Constitution , could use all the help a free nation would expect from the news media which it does not receive.

I’ll be forthright in my severe criticism of televisions news, or lack thereof in reporting important events, especially so called conservative Fox News. Do not get me wrong, since its inception Fox News remains of far above its media competition, with one exception. Initially, a strictly conservative News media outlet, Fox has slowly drifted off course to the dread politically correct centrist position trying to convince the public, with its Fair and Balanced Bull how bipartisan Fox News really is, and that okay, but on the other hand, conservative Fox News engages in hypocrisy which is the crux of my argument in this article. Take for instance; the concept of centrist positions, by virtue of its nature, centrists are devoid of commitment, hence the name centrist, or one who simply can’t, or won’t commit to the left or right commonly referred to as a moderate.

And, by the way, since moderates cost this country the Presidential election with their naïve belief in the hope and change -idiocy, I then decided these centrist, moderates are the enemy thereby detach myself, with extreme prodigious from any and all form of moderates, and become a news media recluse who detests moderates, naturally not them personally, just stupidly. In a profound way the Presidential election decimated my faith in the moderate voter’s ideals, personally I was miffed, and much to my chagrin the pathetic vacillating cowards who refused to stand for liberty, instead chose for America the inauspicious course of an oligarchy. Obama’s campaigned promise of hope and change stocked the flames of feminized moderate men lacking the intestinal fortitude, so in reality America, it’s time to take off the gloves and fight with bare knuckles, starting with the conservative News media. Hear this moderate’s and take heart- a hero dies but one death, cowards die many. For cowards such as Chris Mathews with chills running up your leg you make me nauseous! And you had a show call hard ball? The show should have been named “No Balls”

A primo fascia example of centrist appeasement indicating a blaring deviation towards politically moderate cronyism is how mysteriously For Fox News, exhumed from the integrity dead the likes of Geraldo Rivera demonstrating a sort of liberal nostalgia. Take it for one who has lived long enough to remember his sorted past, Geraldo is far from a conservative, in fact Fox News, why not hire Bill Ayres, or resurrect Saul Alinsky for the job, the matter is, he is left of Allen Comes but hides his true liberal face as if he were the phantom of the opera. A zebra cannot change its stripes, nor can Geraldo shave off his mustache which is his memento to the glory day of the 1960s when liberalism ran rapid and he became a liberal superstar.


But as with everything in history people tend to forget; surly the management teams of Fox forgot, or did they quickly and quietly sweep this momentous event under the rug? Even though it struck core of national security and actually forced Geraldo into exile, ostensibly until the fire storm he caused with antics unbecoming a News reporter blew over. One thing is for sure, I didn’t forget the incident vowing some day to avenge my comrades in arms this thoughtless narcissist put at risk. That time is now; my weapons are the words you read.

In short this is what transpired; though let me first say, this incident should never have happened, once again the blame falls squarely on the shoulders of Fox News who should have claimed culpability for assigning him the position within a top secret military mission, knowing his questionable political ideology. Secondly Geraldo should have been held accountability and publically denounced, disgraced and immediately fired because of his actions. The liberation of Iraq pressed forward with lightning furry; with the world watching as our best and bravest effortlessly crush the Iraqi Army. However military strategists new the extremely intelligent opposition would be scrutinizing our News reports, with bated breath, for any sign of weakness in the armor of our superior militarily fighting machine which could be exploited and they got it. Imbedded or assigned to this vulnerable military fighting machine were civilian News reporters who for the most part served with honor, but for one Geraldo! The commander fervently instructed those of whom were assigned not to divulge, in any way any information, large or small pertaining to the troop placement whatsoever, yet regardless of the warning Geraldo, in his egotistical quest for glory straight out of the 1960s thinking, proceeds to draw a map in the sand explaining where and who the troops were and are, on worldwide TV which, in a time of war is an act of treason. His actions also jeopardized the mission and may have cost the lives of our forces. Employed, I would have had him incarcerated in a military stockade for the rest of his worthless life, how is that for fair and balanced?

Liberalism views fair and balanced as an appeasement known as weakness and appeasement is an ad nauseam to patriots, with our country’s constitution is under assault, now is not the time or place for fairness but fury, not balance just backlash, so take a stand. I respectfully pose a simple question to Fox News, an obviously rhetorical question, that is, does the liberal opposition clam to be fair? Or, for that matter, balanced? The answer is emphatically -NO! The radical left knows no shame it ram’s disinformation down our through with no mercy infecting the body politic, so do you think conservatives need to hear what the other side of right has to say, it is like asking a man saved from drowning if he would like a drink of water. We know exactly want the liberals want, the ablation of our constitution and formation of new world order in its place.

Kindly consider this Fox News, what makes you think, we care one scintilla about what Danny Glover, Shawn Pin head, or any other nit wit in Holley weird for that matter have to say.

READ MY LIPS-WE DON’T CARE! Americans are screaming out for pertinent information pertaining to serious issues, in the gloom of an increasing economic recession, unemployment running rapid, and nuclear proliferation I the hands of a mad man now reaching critical mass the words of fools avails us nothing.



Americans who have sons and daughters, husbands and wives risking their lives would enjoy seeing the battle against terror on the News, not just thirty seconds of a the same repetitive film clip played over and over again. Our military heroes deserve your support, warriors are fighting and dying every day to rid the world of terrorist vermin, where, pray tell is the news coverage? Support our warriors with real News coverage, Stop being a Hypocrite and do something.

Where is the conservative News support for our troops, the type of News which is cheering them on to victory after victory or do the tolerant liberals find pride in our country offensive? So much for tolerance.


Finally, Fox News is the last bastion of free media, the American people are grateful for but from someone we trust with the truth we expect, respect. Traditional Americans do not need both sides of the story to help us decide, we are coherent, despite liberal elites ignorance of fact. You see, God, our creator, created us with his image, and gave us the mind of Christ, we therefore are, institutive, logical, intelligent people who possess the ability to extrapolate information and comprehend it, no matter how tainted with misinformation the liberal media is, so my suggestion is, rather than your inauspicious attempt at platitudes, Fox News, do conservatives a favor please, report serious issues only, the rest is just –Bull. Here is a friendly word to the wise at Fox News, find another slogan, please. Fair and balanced is nauseating, in that, the connotation is, the opposition, our enemy, has the right to take up our time, as they have for decades, with their A. typical and B. logical moral indignations, vilification of Christians, the denunciation of American values and its constitution, the people are sick of it.

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And Justice for all – R.I.P. Religion

And Justice for All….

R.I.P. Religion

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, of prohibiting the free exercise thereof.”The first amendment of our constitution was established to protect religious freedom, “the congress shall make no laws,” in other words -congress, hands off religion. Faith is the quintessential element for the religious belief in God and that is the problem with secularist Statists who believe in nothing, therefore they tend to believe in anything. For ages secularists have been trying desperately to remove religious symbols from public places of assembly with great success. Another irony in the successful persecution of the Christian faith is by sighting a bigoted Supreme Court judge’s opinion who interjecting into the constitution his opinion the phrase known as “separation of church and state.” This is how the whole deception purposely happened; notice I said purposely happened, because it had a very specific purpose indeed. But first, this is especially a hard pill to swallow because it proves alleged amendment is a bogus fabrication of a misunderstood conversation, which ACLU lawyers use to manipulate the court cases. These cases ostensibly are quoting the constitutional law, however it is a complete lie, a hoax conjured up by a supreme the court justice Hugo Black in the monumental Supreme Court case of Everson v. Board of Education.

Here is how it all began, Supreme Court Justice Hugo Black Jr. was a known member of the Ku Klux Klan in the 1920s, at the time the Klan’s resented the people’s faith in the Catholic Church. The church was growing across the country and the vindictive Klan needed a weapon too stunt its growth. Supreme court justice Black’s father agreed with and supported the KKK loathe for Catholicism, relating his passion to Justice Black Jr. his son who later wrote this about his father: “The Ku Klux Klan and Daddy, so far as I could tell, had one thing in common. He suspected the Catholic Church. He used to read of Paul Blanchard’s books exposing the power abuse in the Catholic Church. He thought the Pope and the bishops had too much power and property. He resented the fact that rented property owned by the Church was not taxed; he felt they got most of their revenue from the poor and did not return enough of it.” Black’s father’s influence worked its magic, on the KKK member with the power of a Supreme Court justice. Black had an obvious mission against the Catholics Church, which was to erect the well known, yet none existent wall separating Church and state, a wall that was not in the constitution, nor was it amended to be in the constitution, the Emerson case provided justice Black with the opportunity to make a law through his powerful position as Supreme Court Judge by legislating from the bench which, a Judge is not in the position, nor has the power to do.

This is what actually transpired, in response to congratulation from the Baptist community of Danbury Connecticut on his election to the presidency Jefferson wrote a letter in reply merely explaining why he did not follow in traditions of his predecessors Washington and Adams in calling for a day of national fasting and thanksgiving and in conclusion of the letter Jefferson uses this dread metaphor, he said this;

“I contemplate with sovereign reverence that the act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should make no laws respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting free exercise thereof,”

Thus building a wall of separation between Church and State.

What Jefferson was saying is, in other words, congress hands off the church, make no laws, do not touch the Church, if you can’t resist the temptation, then build a make believe wall between the YOU and the Church, so that YOU- keep your law making paws off religious freedom. And not that there is or should be a wall separating to two –the wall meant as a metaphor it was a recognition by Jefferson agreeing with the American people ordering legislators to stay away from religion, and that is all so, the wall simply does not exist. This misunderstood metaphor has haunted the Supreme Court since 1947 by allowing legal decisions and the passing of laws that threatened the religious liberties, which is exactly opposite of what the first amendment sought to insure against. The court, under Justice Black should have been protecting the sanctity of religious freedom, instead, the wall opened the door to religious persecution by secularist’s socialists elitist from the 1960s that desperately want to, once again, declare “God is dead” and set in motion a nationally established religion of statist.

Frustrated by justice Black opinion in the Everson v the board of education case justice Rehnquist wrights in 1985 of the dilemma Blacks decision caused the Supreme Court since then:

“It is impossible to build a sound constitution doctrine upon a mistaken understanding of constitutional history,” expressly freighted with Jefferson’s misleading metaphor for nearly forty years.

“Thomas Jefferson was of Corse in France at the time the constitutional Amendments known as the bill of rights were pressed by Congress and ratified by the States.

His letter to the Danbury Baptist Association was a short note of courtesy, written fourteen years after the Amendments were passed by Congress.

He would seem to any detached observer as a less than ideal source of contemporary history to the meaning of the Religion Clause of the First Amendment.”


The founders, our fore fathers understood the necessity of keeping government from intervening in religion and the liberty human beings possess that was endowed by our creator, freedom to worship and  pray to our God, anywhere in public or in private.


Ronald Regan said this: “The constitution was never meant to prevent people from praying: its declared purpose was to protect their freedom to pray.” A freedom we are losing the battle to defend as the minority of secularists press for the suppression of the majority, by attacking religious freedom in schools and places of assembly while invoking the dread wall of unconstitutional separation, hence forth robbing our religious liberty with a twisted metaphor, from a racists hypocrite.


Though Thomas Jefferson was considered to be the father of the Democratic Party he knew that judicial activism, invoked by Justice Black a century later, would lead to tipping the balance of the political scales shifting too much power to the judiciary where laws are enforced. Concerned with the potential abuse of judicial power he wrote to William Jarvis in 1820 with angst this:


“To consider the judge as the ultimate arbiters of all constitutional questions is a very dangerous doctrine indeed, and one which places us under the despotism of an oligarchy.

Our judges are honest as other men and not more so.

They have with others the same passions for party, for power, and the privilege of their corp.….and their power the more dangerous as they are in the office for life and not responsible, as the other functionaries are, to the elective control.

The constitution has elected no such single tribunal, knowing that to whatever hands confided, with the corruption of time and party, its members would become despots.

It has more wisely made all the departments co-equal and co-sovereign within themselves.”


Jefferson’s fears were correct; as was his outstanding not to Jarvis 190 years hence, America now finds itself under the despotism of a judicial oligarchy, entrenched in their official positions, unfortunately for life. Judges he states are people, with the same passions for party, power and privilege that need not fear the elective control of the people. Rehnquist understood the devastation caused by Justice Hugo Black’s bios and bigoted decision, yet the wall of separation between Church and state stand, ironically in total opposition to the constitutional intent written by our founding fathers creating an oxymoron, instead of keeping legislators out of religion matters we have kicked Judo-Christian religion out of our society.

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Reaching Critical Mass – The Hundredth Monkey Theory

The Hundredth Monkey Theory


It has become apparent America, once revered for its faith in a divine creator has reached a crisis point in its need for a spiritual anchor on the individual level, and for a rediscovery of the ancient reverence for all living things on the collective level. Many are on the verge of giving up hope that any caring person or group can or will make a difference, yet they continue to press on like solders in battle. Our spiritual hunger is not only valid but crucial to the survival of ourselves, our environment, our country liberty, and of course to our God, all of which are dwindling, much to our dismay. This condition is in part, due to the fact that we no longer have myths to guide us, since most people today no longer feel themselves contained in the Judo-Christian story, mentioned frequently in my other essays. Mythlessness means that we as believers have forgotten the purpose we live for, or, more urgently, the purpose for which we suffer and die for. Existence without purpose in meaningless.

The compensatory message of religion is that we live not for ourselves alone though some narcissistic politicians would beg to differ. Nevertheless, how we live our lives affects others, particularly those who are near to us and, mysteriously enough also the world. One person can influence present and future generations with no direct contact with that person according to Rupert Sheldrake a Cambridge biologist. He introduced his hypothesis of morphic resonance from a study of the well known story of the hundredth monkey:

Researchers studying a colony of monkeys on a small island in Japan in the fifties would dump sweet potatoes on the shoe by the truckload. One day something took place which had never before been observed –a young female monkey took her sweet potato down to the surf where she washed it, the action in and of itself became perplexing and exited the researchers because the action required a conscience, independent, individual change of form and behavior of the colonies typical behavior, but the real shocking event was yet to come. The young monkey soon realized washing the potato improved the palatability of the food in two ways, one, agitating it in the sea water removed the sand and other debris and two, the sea water added an appetizing salt taste to the food.

Soon after her delightful dinning experience the youngster taught the washing process to her mother then some other of her group within the colony and sweat potato washing soon became a ritual to those who learned it. Slowly the idea spread until all the monkeys in this small group within the colony were washing the food. At first the researchers assumed, by the speed of at which the idea progressed, it was nothing more than monkey see, monkey do, slowly catching on by degree. But then one day shortly thereafter a truck arrived, dumped its cargo load of potatoes on the sand and unexpectedly, much to the researchers surprise and astonishment, every member of the entire colony of monkeys picked up a potato, went to the sea, and began washing their sweet potatoes before eating it. Somewhere in the process of time the 100th monkey consciously joining the others toppled the balance of typical colony behavior. This caused a, so called, critical mass of like-minded species to react symontainosly in the same manner, the thought spreading through thousands instantaneously. Hence forth the term, morphic residence, which is the enlightenment of the masses through, the conscience behavioral change of the few?

On another remote island shortly thereafter this event occurred, researcher conducting the same behavior patterns studies of related monkeys whom were not in communication, recorded in their journals an even more astonishing event. Recorded data indicated none of the monkeys, not one of them observed on this island had never wash their sweet potatoes in the sea until, all of them, at once, at the same time  preformed the action together. Though hundredth monkey theory denotes the culmination of critical mass mindedness, it is Sheldrake’s hypothesis of morphic residence which points the way to true spirituality, indicating the form and behavior of plants and animals can be molded “by the form and behavior of past organisms of the same species though direct communication of mind across time and space.”  If we were to applied concept to human beings it would suggests that increases in our consciousness effects of, not only those in contact with us but potentially all of our species, present and future could be changed by the few.

The implications of Sheldrake’s theory are staggering do to the fact that it is difficult for a form or event to appear for the first time in history, the likelihood of it reoccurring improves enormously in time after the event is produced. This entire concept is relevant because it suggests changes in the psychic background of humanity can be brought about by small changes in consciousness of the individual. The hundredth monkey concept represents all individuals who chose to reform their conscious behavior for the benefit of the many, in doing so, their effort tip the balance of their status quo social order allowing a catastrophic change to accrue and, if monkeys can connect with the mystical field of morphic residence, well then so can the Judo-Christian society.

Liberalism has endeavored for decades to reform traditional American behavior, founded on Judo-Christianity, into despotism controlled by liberal potentates this action is not, and cannot be in the best interests of the many. Despite every effort to do so, liberalism also cannot manage to conjure up the elusive hundredth monkey required for the critical mass of people to be politically reformed to their behavioral patterns. In the recent congressional elections The White House suffered fervently policy rejection from the voters who overwhelmingly decided to remove from office liberal and moderate legislators providing the nation with spiritual hope and change for the benefit of the many. The backlash movement has begun, the harder this administration pushes the people the easier it will become to discover our mythological hundredth monkey waiting behind a closed door.


“Not by strength, nor by might but by the spirit says the Lord”

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Obama’s Spy’s

Obama’s Spy’s

Blog -21/10/10

It has become rather apparent Big Bother Obama is indeed watching us, he –Big Bother, is showing signs of intolerance of any criticism towards his socialistic policies suggesting at times opposition requires a behavior modification. Oh really Big Brother! This vindictive administration is beginning to sound like something out of Orwell’s fantasy world, rather than the sworn protector of this nation, the increasing hostility has begun to emerge with fervor, declaring war, not on terrorists but upon private citizens who contest his repetitive deviate maneuvers around, over and under the constitution, and the Bill of Rights. As I have forewarned in other essays, Obama like President Wilson is implementing similar political and highly unethical tactics the latest of which urges email spy’s to report anything on the web about health care insurance reform that seems “fishy” to send it to, what on earth does the white house’s media director Macon Phillips mean by Fishy? And furthermore, who gave him the right to ask any citizen to spy for the White House?

“If you get an e-mail from your neighbor and it doesn’t sound right, send it to the White House?”Said outraged Senator John Barrasso a conservative who can clearly see Big Brother watching every move private citizens are making while they are compiling an enemy of Obama’s list. The question is, are you on it? Just now this “Big Brother Obama” is watching you!

Another Senator with hut-spa fired this letter off to Obama in protest which decisively indicates there are, thank God, some but not enough, legislators with the intestinal fortitude to renounce publicly this administrations obvious attempt to create an Orwellian society. Senator Cornyn wrote this rhetorical remark, “I am not aware of any precedent for president asking American citizens to report their fellow citizens to the White House for pure political speech that is deemed “fishy” or otherwise inimical to the White House’s political interests.” Under the unlawful scrutiny of this administration Republican and Democrat alike had better focus their attention on these unscrupulous antics, lest one day soon we find freedom of speech miraculously amended form the constitution.

To make matters worse Obama and his cronies have plumbed the depths of neuroses unleashing his Justice Department headed none other than Erick Holder who is the pit bull of prosecution. Holder formed a secret in house blogging group to influence public opinion witch in my mind purely a political tactic far outside the realm of his once noble Justice Department. But I’ll say this for the record, Holder’s arrogance is only surpassed by his “ends justify the means” attitude and another thing, in his position he is impervious to the law, some Justice!

Holder also has the audacity to coordinated his brain child he contritely named, now get this, “The Blog Squad” from within the Justice Department’s Office of Public Affairs itself. Establishing another government operated propaganda tool using liberal bloggers whose mission is, now get this, to locate news stories and or commentaries but best of all Blog Posts –just like this one! Find Bloggers like me who are American citizens allegedly protected by the first amendment rights who criticize the administration and then this “Blog Squad” job was it post comments, which actually jam up and crash sites, in support of their agenda; I personally receive hundreds a day! These actions typify the administrations policy’s which abuse and disgrace justice, these actions and many others, one by one, undermine our constitutional rights to be free of governmental control yet the vast portion of the American people remain oblivious to them.

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